Chapter 25

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Charles knocks on the Schuyler's door. I feel my hands get all clammy.

"Are you okay?" Charles asks. "If you don't feel good, we can go home."

I shake my head. "I'm alright." A blatant lie, but if I tell him the truth he'll think I'm crazy. I zone out and hear Charles say something and the next thing I know, I'm sitting at a table with the sisters.

"Uhm... good afternoon!" I say with a forced smile. "How have you been? We haven't talked like this in a while."

"Oh we've been good, how have you been?" Angelica says. Eliza and Angelica look angry, probably because of the thing with Alex.

"Not so good, my father decided to come without any notice," I responded. Charles wasn't with us, so I could say whatever I want. I'm gonna tell Eliza... I don't deserve him.. she does.. "Hey Eliza... I know you're mad at me, but I didn't mean for everything with him to happen. Uhh... what I'm trying to say is.. you can have him... you'll be a better wife than me.. and even if it hurts.. I don't care, I just want to see you guys happy. That's all I want."

I look down and feel tears prick at the corner of my eyes. I feel arms wrap around me. "I wasn't mad at you [Y/N], but... thank you. I'll make sure he's happy." Eliza replies.

Tears fall down my face. "Thank you." I don't deserve his love. She does. I'm sorry DeDe... I know you said he'll wait, but he won't, because our love was in a moment of desperation, it wasn't real. But if it wasn't real, why does it hurt so damn much? "It's for the best..." I add on. I cry into who I assume is Elizas shoulder.

"Please don't cry... It's going to be alright," She says. Is it? It doesn't feel like it. No. It is. It was meant to be this way, it was always meant to be this way. I stop crying. Eliza pulls away from me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cry... that was so informal of me... sorry again.." I apologize about 3 more times when Peggy puts her hand on my shoulder.

"There's nothing to be sorry about!" Peggy smiles at me and my heart jumps. I cough and take a sip of my tea. It doesn't matter. Love isn't real, my emotions and my friends are all just temporary... everything's... temporary... I don't deserve any of this...

But if it's not real, why does it hurt so damn much?

Hellohellohello! I'm here to plug my discord again, uhm don't pay attention to the general tab on it. If you can't see my bio, which I'm trying to fix, go into the conversation tab on my profile and it should be the first thing on there! Sorry this is so short, I wanted to get it out to y'all!

Anyways, thanks so much for reading and I'll see y'all later BAII!!


One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now