Chapter 28

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I walk back home in silence. God... what is wrong with me?

It's so foolish of me to think that I could be in power. I'm only a woman after all. I... I'm here to just be looked at and swooned over, only to one day get married and have children. I... don't get to say anything.



You're a woman... a royal one at that... you should know how to keep your god damn mouth shut!

Hah... Hahahahahaha..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....

That's right. Just shut everything down [Y/N]. All of your emotions are pointless anyways... calm... down...

I walk back to the house. Trailing far behind Charles. I can feel people staring at me, but I don't dare look up.

As I try to regain my sanity I find myself back in my room again. What am I saying to myself? I understand what that other... side of me was saying, but I don't agree with it. I should say whatever I want. I don't need this kind of scrutiny from myself.

Should I.... apologize to Charles? I mean, I do feel bad, but I don't think he would want to talk to me right now...

There's a knock on my door. I don't say anything. There's another knock, then another, then another. I think the person gets the hint and walks away.

I sigh and lay down on my bed. What has happened to me? I used to be so... happy. I need to get away from this. All of this is fucking with my brain.. All of this.. royalness..

I take out a quill and parchment out of my drawer and start writing to the one person I know will take care of me and would be glad to take me in, George Washington.

I'm sorry father, but running away is all I can do at the moment.

Hellohellohello! Sorry for taking so long! Sorry for the short chapter, my Wattpad on my phone has been nonstop crashing, I contacted Wattpad about it y said they're working on it, so don't worry about it! There won't be a lot of updated because of that and most of the time I'm writing these at school and I can't do it for the time being Bc of that ;-;. Thank you guys for understanding!
Thanks so much for reading and I'll see y'all later BAII!!

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now