Chapter 30

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~Charles POV~
We've been on the road for 2 days now... I'm starting to regret going after her, though I did need to run away or I would've been dead by now, but she ran for a reason. I look at the note she wrote me. I haven't read it yet, I can't. DeDe opened hers and it was sweet.

I look up and see DeDe and Frank sleeping, their heads are resting on each other. I sigh.. should I open it?

I unfold it and read the letter.

You're probably confused as to why I decided to leave. Everything was getting to me, I was under too much pressure to be 'the perfect princess.' I know you didn't mean to hurt me, you just wanted to help, and I thank you for that. I just wanted to tell you that it's not your fault that I left, like I said, it was all the pressure father put on me. I'll miss you the most. I suggest you run away before father gets to you. If you do, I don't know where you're going, but I'm going to Mount Vernon to live with Martha and George Washington, come visit sometime! Please write me often if you decide not to visit. I never told you this, but before I met Alex, I may have had a tiny... crush on you.. um, sorry if that sounds weird, I'm sorry. I have to get going soon, you would like George Washington, he's really nice. If you decide to run away from father, I think it would be a good choice to go on America's side. Maybe they'll make you a spy, that would be cool, and less dangerous, or more depending on how you look at it, than fighting in the actual war. Please be safe, you're more of a father than my actual father. I care about you so much, please don't get hurt. I hope to hear from you soon.

She... what? I... you mean.. if it was the right situation she would've... no, don't think like that. It's your obligation not to think like that.

She suggested that I join the blue side... that's not a bad idea.. would they even want me though...? Would they think I'm a spy..? Running away isn't a bad idea, especially since if the King finds me, I'll literally be dead...

Heh.. she wants me to visit. That wasn't on DeDe's letter. And heh... not my fault? Of fucking course it's my fault! I'm a fucking dumbass! If I was just a little nicer, if I didn't force her into taking those stupid manners classes with the maids, if I wasn't such a fucking dick, maybe she would still be home, still by my side every waking moment, it would be like nothing changed. But I had to go and fuck everything up! I yelled at her. I shouldn't have yelled at her! No, I wasn't going to court that woman, because I already had my eyes on a woman, a woman I couldn't have...

My ex-wife only cheated on me because she thought I was infatuated with that woman... I didn't deny it. I fuck everything up.

-Time skip tho-
~[Y/N]'s POV~
We finally made it to Mount Vernon. It's so pretty. I take my bag and got out of the carriage. A woman comes out to greet me. (Ok, I'm not a history person and obviously I did not know these people in real life, so I'm gonna make them as I would hope they would be, sorry for inaccuracies to all those history nerds out there)

"You must be [Y/N], my husband sent a letter about you, I hope you enjoy your stay here." She says. "I'm Martha, Martha Washington, by the way."

"It's nice to meet you Martha, I thank you and General Washington for letting me into your home," I tell her.

"No need to be so formal dearie, George and I have always wanted a daughter, so please, if you're comfortable with it of course, call me mom." This has to be one of the nicest women I've ever met. DeDe is on that list... I look down. "Do you miss your friends?" I nod. "Maybe they'll come visit sometimes."

"Maybe.." I responded.

"Here, let me show you inside," She says. She shows me inside.
(Btw I have been to Mount Vernon before but I forget what it looks like, other than where the buildings are placed, so again, sorry for inaccuracies)

Martha, I mean mom, shows me around the house. "Here's your room, I'm sorry if it's not as big as you're used to."

It's a cute room. Not to big and not too small. There's a bed in the middle of the room, two bedside tables, a wardrobe to the right of the door, there's shelves filled with books, and a desk against the wall. I walk in and set the bag down on the bed. I look at the books on the shelves and I look in the wardrobe. "It's perfect," I say in almost a whisper.

"I'm glad you like it," She says. "Most if it was prepared just for you!"

Wow, just for me? I've had stuff prepared just for me before, but this feels more heart warming. I hug Martha. "Thank you."
"You're very welcome," She says, hugging me back. Then there's a knock at the door. She lets go. "You unpack, I'll go get the door."

She leaves and I hang up my dress in the wardrobe as well as put the quill and parchment in the desk. I hear mumbles coming from the door. There's footsteps coming this way. Please don't tell me... I shouldn't have told Charles where I was going... how did they get here so quickly? Someone runs up to me and hugs me. I quickly identify that person as DeDe.

"You should go talk to Charles," she whispers. "He feels really bad..."

"Why did you guys come..? I'm not going back," I tell her.

"I know, Frank and I just wanted to help Charles run away from your father." I nod. "Now go talk to Charles."

DeDe lets go of me and I look over at Charles. His face, usually stern and unimpressed, looks guilty and sad. I wonder if he read my letter.. he looks at me then looks away.

I wonder what's wrong with him.

Hellohellohello! Woah! Two and a half chapters in a row?! Don't get used to it, I just got a random burst of inspiration, next chapter you'll see their conversation,  it this was batting long already and my brain feels like it's about to shut down, sorry that I haven't been talking about Alex much, don't worry, he'll be back very soon. I was thinking of writing a different story, not a fanfic, about what I really wanted to do with [Y/N] and Charles. Idk if I will though. Don't expect a chapter tomorrow, I hope you liked this one.
Thanks so much for reading and I'll see y'all later BAII!!

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now