Chapter 4

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Day 2

Let's just say she's around 7 weeks pregnant


Beyoncé and I had so much fun yesterday. We went shopping  and We went out to eat. I don't have a lot of friends to do all that with so doing those things with her was so fun.

Omg I'm so hungry again. "Beyoncé!!!!" I called Oh wait she left to go get some clothes from her apartment and make sure she dropped off the rent.

Ugh, I need food. I heard my ring tone and turned around looked at the caller ID.

It was Tim. I'm not in the mood today. Like I know we agreed to stay friends for the sake of the baby but either then that we have no other reason to talk.

But I answered it.

Me:what up

Tim: what kind of greeting was that?

Me: Tim what do you want?

Tim: I was wondering how you were doing is that so wrong

Me: I'm stressed out and hungry.

Tim: stressed out? Why?

Me: I don't know if it's the baby or my job but ever since I hired Beyoncé as my doula I've been just so

Tim: hot and bothered?

Me:well yeah

Tim: You like her?

Me: yeah I think so

Tim:Then talk to her

Me: and say what?



I heard the front door shut.

Me:I gotta go bye.

I quickly hung up. And walked out of the kitchen.

"Beyonce" I say

"Oh hey Kelly sorry it took me so long"

"It's fine" I didn't want to make her get out of the house again.

"You Okay?" she asked walking towards me.

"Uh" omg I could feel myself get warm.

"Kelly talk to me" she shakes me.

"I uh I" I couldn't speak. What the hell?  I couldn't do it not yet.

"Nothing I'm gonna go to the store real quick I'll see you later" I say.


What in the actual hell was that about? I watched as her car backed out of the driveway and she drove away.

I heard a phone ringing in the kitchen. I went in and looked at it.

It was Tim. Wasn't that her ex? Only one way to find out.

Me: hello

Tim:who is this?

Me: I'm Beyoncé Kelly's doula

Tim: where's Kelly?

Bey: she just left

Tim: to go where

Bey: to the store um quick question and don't take this the wrong way but what happened between you and Kelly

Tim: she didn't tell you

Bey: tell me what?

Tim: let's just say we mutually decided to break up because uh let's just say Kelly plays for the other team.

And I knew exactly what he meant.

Bey: she does?

Tim: Yea

Bey: so why was Kelly acting all weird all the sudden when I saw her just a minute ago

Tim: ask Kelly I'm not at liberty to say

Bey: okay does it have anything to do with me

Tim: you could say that

Bey:shut up! She doesn't

Tim: she does

Bey: I gotta go bye


I hung up. Omg I can't believe this! Okay tomorrow after Kelly gets back from work. We're gonna have a talk.

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