Chapter 9

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2 days later

8 weeks pregnant.


Today is Beyoncés cousins wedding and I can't find anything to wear. Everything I put on makes me feel fat. I know I know I'm only in trimester one and I'm barely even growing well my waistline is! How about that!

I throw another dress behind me and I look for something else.

"Kelly we gotta be there in an hour" bey walks in and sees me not dressed.

"I can't find anything to wear!" I start to cry. Damn hormones.

"Kelly you have a lot of clothes" she said

"But I don't like how I look in them" I say honestly

"Oh boo, You look beautiful in anything you wear"

"You mean that?" I ask


"Okay give me two more minutes" I say

"Okay, I'll meet you downstairs"


Two minutes turned into three and three minutes turned into four. Then I was honestly loosing my patience. I was not in a good mood and I didn't want to take that out on Kelly.

Just as I was honestly about to snap she comes downstairs all dressed.

"Are you ready now?"


"Okay can we go then" I say irritated

"What's your problem?"

"Nothing let's just go"

We pulled up to the church. I got out and as did Kelly. I quickly took her hand proudly.

"I have a bad feeling about this" I heard Kelly mumble.

"Relax" I say "What could go wrong?"  But let's be honest what couldn't go wrong.

"Beyonce Knowles is that you!" I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me.

I turned and my old friend Michelle. I let go of Kelly's hand and hugged her.

"How are you doing girl?" she asked looking at me.

"I'm good how about you?"

"Not to bad myself" she laughed and her eyes looked past me towards Kelly.

"And who's this?"

"Uh this is my friend Kelly" I know I said friend but I didn't know what else to call her.

"Oh okay I was beginning to think y'all was you know together together!" 

"Me too" Kelly said crossing her arms. Yep She was pissed.

"I'll see you both inside" Michelle said strutting away.

We finally made are way inside. I tried to take Kelly's hand again but she wasn't having it.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what to call you" I whisper as the bridesmaids and groomsmen started walking down the aisle.

"I don't wanna hear it right now" she snapped  not even looking at me. "And don't touch me" she added moving away from me.

After the wedding was the reception and Kelly and I had a table farestthest away from everyone else. Which was a blessing because my family is a lot.

"Look Kelly I'm sorry, what do you want me to do?" I ask. What was I supposed to say? I know how my family can be and I don't really want them to judge me.

"Nothing forget it" she shrugged me off clearly annoyed.

I looked at all of my family members dancing.

"If you don't wanna be here then go" I spat

"I never said I didn't want to be here Beyoncé " she replied snapping her head towards me. Finally looking at me.

"You know what fine you want me to tell them about us"


"Fine I'll be back" I marched right up to the dj and took the microphone.

"I need to say something real quick" all eyes in the room were on me.

"I wanted to congratulate my cousin Angie on her marriage, but I wanted to say that y'all see that woman right there. She's my girlfriend" I say smiling Kelly was blushing so bad.

"Shout out to my girl! Kelly"

They all looked at my like I was crazy" have a good night everyone!"

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