Chapter 56

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About 4 weeks later.

Part 1


Today I'm now 9 months pregnant and let me tell you I'm so ready to just give birth already. I don't wanna be pregnant anymore. This is exhausting and it's taking too damn long. I wish she would just hurry up and get here

Beyoncé:Baby Look What I got you.

I laid in bed where apparently I was supposed to stay for the rest of my pregnancy. It was my last month and it's crucial that I stay off my feet.

Kelly:(grumpy) What?

I was not liking this whole bed rest thing. I have things to do with my life I can't just stay here all day for half a month.

Beyoncé: Breakfast in bed

She brought in a tray of food and brought it to me.

Beyoncé: I made your favorite chicken and waffles.

Kelly: Thanks babe

Bey:No problem but I have to ask you something

Kelly: What's up?

I started eating and I'm not gonna lie Bey can cook well she can cook chicken and waffles.

Bey: I'm gonna go talk to my dad

Kelly: (mouthful) What? Doesn't he live in Texas?

Bey: Yes But he's gonna be in town this week to visit an old friend of his so I'm gonna go talk to him.

Kelly: You sure that's a good idea

Bey: why would it not be a good idea

Kelly: I'm just saying you just found out about Regina not even 2 weeks ago. Are you sure your ready to confront him

Bey: of course I'm ready

Kelly: Okay I just don't want you to get hurt that's all

Bey: I know you don't. But I'll be fine.


She kissed my cheek.

Bey: I'm actually gonna head out now.

Kelly:Okay Love you

Bey: love you too call me if you need anything

Kelly:Will do


A little while later.

I called my dad and asked him to meet me at one of his favorite restaurants little does he know that also invited Regina. Yes I know it's wrong but I need to know why he chose to keep her a secret for so long.

I got us all a table and flipped through the menu while I waited. I look up to check if one of them were here. Sure enough here comes Regina strutting this way.

Bey: hey

I stand up and hug her.

Regina: Hey

Bey:I'm glad you could make it

Regina: No problem besides I needed to get out the house between the game being on and Vanessa and her friends making all kinds of noise. This is just what I need.

Bey: Girl Same

Regina: But why all the sudden do you wanna hang out and stuff

Bey: Regina the truth is—

I looked over and see my dad walk in. And when he sees me. He points and starts waking over. Regina notices that I'm not making attention and she turns to see who I'm looking at.


Matthew walks up to the table.

Regina:why did you invite him here?

Matthew: It's good  to see you Beyoncé and oh who is this

My dad takes a seat next to me.

Beyoncé: Dad this is—

Regina: I'm your daughter you ass not like you would know or care!

Half the people in the restaurant were now staring

Beyoncé:okay settle down we can straighten this out.

Matthew:My What?

Beyoncé: This my older sister Regina, your daughter.

Matthew: Ohh your Roses little girl

He was smiling. There was nothing funny about this situation!

Beyoncé: You wanna explain Dad.

Regina: There's no need to explain. Because I don't wanna hear what he has to say

She stands up and grabs her purse.

Beyoncé:Regina just hear him out don't you want answers

Regina: Yes I do but

Beyoncé: Then sit back down

She exhales and slides back in her seat.

Matthew: It happened a year before we had Beyoncé. I met Rose. She was so sweet and kind and I eventually fell in love with her and it's not that I didn't love your mother or it's not that I didn't love Rose I just couldn't choose. Rose and I both decided after she got pregnant is that we would not talk for a while until everything was straightened out. I only saw you a couple times after you were born and that's when we cut all ties.

Beyoncé: You chose Mom

Matthew: Yeah But I never stopped loving Rose but we couldn't be together, I remember going to your 6th birthday party and I told you I was your dad and I gave you that picture of me.

Regina: So you kept me a secret because you didn't want to spoil your precious reputation of being a good man.

She had a point.

Matthew: I did what I thought was best

Regina:Because what's best for you is best for everyone else right

2 points for Regina.

Regina: I'm sorry Beyoncé but I gotta go I'll talk to you later bye Dad

Regina walked out. I don't blame her.

Matthew: I don't see what the big deal is

Bey: Are you serious right now if you don't know what the big deal then I guess we're done here. Bye Matthew.

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