Chapter 39

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Quick questions before we start

Favorite book of mine?

Do you like where the story is going?

Would y'all like a sequel?

I will not update until you goes answer these questions.

The next Morning


I woke up with Kelly right next to me. Just the way I like it. I looked over at my phone and saw Nicki blowing up my phone. I rolled my eyes and decided to text her.

Me: What you want?

Nicki:WTF u mean what do I want?! U think u can just run off into the sunset with yo girl and leave me hanging what's up

I sighed.

Me:Look Nicki I don't want to do this over text.

Nicki: Well, I'm leaving for New York in 2 days so u got some explaining to do Beyoncé I'm serious

I looked over at Kelly who was still sleeping.

Me:Okay fine

I send that back.

"Bey" Kelly moaned. 

"Morning baby" I smile

"Ughh" she groaned.

"Kelly we have a doctors appointment soon so I'm gonna go get in the shower and when I get back you better be up" I say and go to get up to take a shower.


I do not feel good this morning. Last night I could barely sleep and now my back hurts. But I got out of bed anyway. I made my way downstairs and grabbed myself something to eat.

"Ugh" I grunted the baby was kicking at me like he was playing soccer on my ribs.

"Would you knock that off" I snapped rubbing my belly. I put my cereal bowl in the sink. I was not in the mood to clean it right now honestly.

About an hour later

Bey and I both were ready to go to the doctors.


I held Kelly's hand as the nurse led us in the room. Now that she's farther along she's gotten a little slower lately but that's okay with me. We entered the room and Kelly took off her jacket and handed it to me.

The nurse left us alone for the doctor to come in.

"You okay?"I asked looking at how quiet she was.

"Yeah I just, I don't feel good" she says tiredly.

"You didn't sleep last night did you?"

"No" she spat. "Not that you would notice" I saw her roll her eyes. I just shook my head.

Then the doctor came in looking at the clipboard in her hand.


"Hi" we both say.

"So Ms. Rowland, I see your blood pressure is a little higher then it should, so everything okay" The doctor asked

"Uh well I've been through a lot these past few weeks, but I'm alright now I think"

"How are you sleeping?"

"She hasn't" I answered for her.

"Oh really?"

"She only sleeps like 3 maybe 4 hours a night" I say and Kelly raises her eyebrows at me. See I have been paying attention.

"That could be what's adding to the stress" The doctor stated. "But for the baby at this point stress is not good, it's not healthy and it's something you as a doula should be helping her relieve"

I nodded. "Okay"

"But either than that she looks good" the doctor smiles at us. "Just stay off your feet as much as you can and try sleeping on your side more often, it'll relieve the pain from your back"

Kelly nods taking it all in. The doctor gives us a few more tips and we are on are way out.

6 months down 3 more months to go.

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