Chapter 35

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I woke up the next morning and Beyoncé's side of the bed was empty. I slowly got up and tried to see if I could hear her in the house. So I make my way downstairs and she's not anywhere

Why would she just leave without at least telling me where she's going. I pull out my phone and text her.

Me: where you at?

"Ughhhh" I groaned holding my stomach. Baby's been kicking harder and harder lately.

Beybey: I'm at work why what's wrong?

Why do I not believe her right now. Like honestly. You don't have to work, it's not on the calendar then where the hell are you and why does it have to be a secret.

Me:I thought you didn't have to work today.

Beybey: I was called in early I'll be home soon.


Okay so maybe I'm not working but I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just, I'm meeting up with an old friend.

"So what you been up to lately girl" Nicki said as we walked through the park together.

I've known Nicki for a long time. She's one of the people that's kinda stayed with me through everything And we kinda had a fling with each other a couple years back but it was a one time thing and I heard from a little birdie that she was in town. So I had to see her. Yes I know what your thinking, why couldn't I tell Kelly about this well because honestly it's not any of her business. I don't mean that in a bad way but I share everything with her. Nicki is my person away from my other person.

"Oh nothing much, I started a new job a couple weeks back" I say

"Oh cool, where at?"

"The hospital, I'm the new OBGYN"

"Oh cool does it pay well?"

"Mostly yeah" I said as we kept on walking.

"What about you, what you been up to lately"

"Nothing, I'm going back to school to get my teaching degree"

"That's great, teaching has always been something you loved right"

She nodded. "So I have to ask, how's you and your girl doing"

Okay so I told Nicki about Kelly. Is that wrong? She needs to know that I'm in a relationship.

"We're good" I smile just thinking about Kelly.

"Are you happy?" she asked

"Yeah I think so"

"What you mean you think?"

"I don't know, I can't exactly explain it, like don't get me wrong I love Kelly but I want someone who's more I don't know exciting I guess"

Yeah I said it, like I said before I love Kelly. But our relationship is at a stand still. But I'm so frickin bored it's unreal. Maybe it's Because she's pregnant, we can't do a lot without her complaining nor can we have fun together. There's just not a lot to do with each other anymore. I knew this would happen but Kelly being so different and funny and fun I didn't think this would happen to us.

"You need fun in your life" she laughed. But She wasn't wrong.

"How about this, We go out tonight and just hang out, Just me and you" she suggested.

"I don't know if that's such a great idea" I said honestly.

"Come on it's just one night" Nicki said "I'll promise to have you back by at least 11"

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