Chapter 51

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The next Day


I can't believe I did that. I yelled at the love of my life for no absolute reason she definitely did not deserve that. So obviously today she's not speaking to me.


Well I guess she is now.

"Yes dear" I say as I walk out of the bathroom.

"I'm so sorry to tell you this but I lost my engagement ring"

Oh shit, that bitch Regina still has it. I wasn't gonna tell her that.

"It's fine it's probably around here somewhere" I lie as I kept on brushing my hair.

"Yeah maybe " she says and walks out.

"Kelly" I call and go after her. I find her in the kitchen with Tim who is helping himself to a bowl of cereal.

"What Beyoncé" Kelly snapped turning to me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you the other night I was just frustrated and I know you were just trying to help. I'm really sorry"

"Okay I forgive you" Kelly said and I pulled her close into a hug.

"But if you ever talk crazy to me like that ever again, I will break every bone in your hand"

"I love you" I kissed her cheek.


Tim clears his throat and we both look over at him.

"Hello I'm trying to eat here" he said making me laugh.

"Look I'm heading off to work anyway" I grab myself a muffin.

"Wait I have a doctors appointment today at 1" Kelly said

"I'll take you kells" Tim chimed in.

"But Bey I thought you said you wanted to be there" Kelly replied

"No it's fine, I'll make the next one" I said

"Ok" Kelly nodded.

"I gotta go baby love you" I kiss her on the cheek and head out.


"You really don't mind taking me to my appointment" I ask

"It's really okay Kelly" Tim assured. He's really a good guy and I will forever appreciate his support. "And I kinda wanna see what she looks like right now" he said standing up and walking over to me.

I smile. He puts his hand on my stomach.

"You think she'll look like me" he asked Looking down at my huge belly.

"I guess will have to see" I say as I put his hand where she likes to kick.

"That's her right there" I looked at the smile on Tim's face as he gushed over the baby.

"I can't wait to meet her"

"Me too" I reply as I look him in the eyes. Our lips were so close. I couldn't do it. I have a fiancé. I've moved on. Tim and I are just friends.

"Uh I gotta go shower" I say and leave the kitchen.

As I showered I thought about Tim and I. Our relationship. We had some good times together.

And we had some not so good times

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And we had some not so good times.

I know I said we ended on a good note, that wasn't exactly the truth

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I know I said we ended on a good note, that wasn't exactly the truth. It took a while before we were on a good note again. But then again no matter what happens we still are great friends. I will always be here for him and he will always be here for me. I love him. He's the father of my child. I loved him was what I meant to say.

But I can't help but think about what could've been if I never came out to him. As far as I'm concerned we would be totally different people if we had stayed together.

I'm glad I had the courage to come out because if I hadn't. I would've never met such a amazing beautiful woman.

The upside to the situation is that he knows that no other man could have me.

The hard thing about this whole thing is one day we're gonna have to explain it all to our daughter. I know we can do it. Together.

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