Chapter 44

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(Today is the first day of Kelly's 7th month)

Beyoncé pov

4:00 a.m.

My eyes opened in panic as I got up out of bed as fast as I could and made my way to the bathroom. I shut the bathroom door before turning towards the toilet and my body started to shake as I heaved in the toilet. Damn it. I'm sick.

But I can't be sick. I'm Beyoncé I don't get sick. I breathed heavily wiping my mouth. I flushed the toilet.

"Bey?" I hear Kelly's voice which made me almost jump out of my skin. "Baby you okay?"

"Uh yeah" I say as I turn the sink in to wash out my mouth.

I unlock the door and there she was looking at me concerned.

"You don't look so good" she said feeling my forehead.

"Kells I'm fine just a bug or whatever" I said waving her off.

"Your warm" she says as she takes my hand and leads me to the bed. "You could have the flu or something"

I lay down in bed. And Kelly pulls the covers up and tucks me in.

"I'll be back with the thermometer" she said and basically power walks out of the room. I sigh heavily. I do feel really tired. Maybe I'm sick from stress or something.

After a couple minutes she comes back in a practically shoves the thermometer in my mouth. Ever since Kelly made me the legal adoptive mother of our child. She's been very strangely nice. I mean a few mood swings from here and there but besides that she's not been out right pissed off at me. But I'm guessing her making me the legal mother was her way of forgiving me. But hey if she's happy then I'm happy.

"Keep it in there" she said sternly. I mentally rolled my eyes.

After a couple seconds the thermometer beeped and Kelly snatched it out of my mouth before I got the chance to.

"Yup I was right your sick" she said as she set the thermometer on the nightstand.

"I'll be fine" I say again.

"Oh yeah well what if your not?!" Kelly says obviously upset. "You could fall down the stairs and break your neck, you could be so delusional from the fever that you start hallucinating, Would you be okay then!"

"Kels calm down, okay It's probably just a 24 hour thing okay, Relax " I said taking her hand.

She sighed heavily. " I'm sorry I just I want you to get better" she said looking me in the eye.

"Come on baby it's early in the morning why don't we get a couple more hours of sleep" I suggest.

"Are you saying I look bad?" She asked defensively.

"Kelly" I plead with her not to start anything up because this sick thing is starting to get to me and I'm now exhausted. "Please let's just get some sleep"

"Fine" she let's go of my hand and walks to her side of the bed and climbs in. Once she's settled she instantly falls asleep and I slowly drift off.

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