Chapter 28

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A few weeks after that

Pregnancy status: 18 weeks now in her fourth month.


After Kelly met her dad for the first time. I'm glad things turned out the way they did. He's actually very happy about being a grandpa and him and Kelly have lunch together everyday since their first meeting. Basically trying to make up for lost time.

Now that Kelly is 4 months. A lot of things are looking up. She's been less moody but she still has her moments. However she's been a lot slower lately. She's complained about just barely being able to see her feet. And even though labor is five months away I think it's a good idea to do breathing exercises and yoga early on.

Anyway today is Saturday and today Kelly and I are going baby shopping. I've never seen Kelly so excited.

We already cleaned out the nursery and now we're ready to put stuff in it.

As we walked through the store to the baby aisle. I held Kelly's hand, we got some weird looks but I didn't care. Plus Kelly's pregnant and she's clumsy I have to hold her hand.

"Bey look" Kelly pointed at the bassinet that was on display.

"You sure you want a bassinet, can't we just get a normal crib" I say

"But I like that one" she says like a pouty little kid.

"Okay fine" I say and grabbed it and put it in the cart.

"Let's go look at baby clothes" Kelly said walking away. I pushed the cart after her. I swear when shopping Kelly had the mind of a 5 year old.

"Kells have you been thinking about having a baby shower"

"Well there's one problem with having a baby shower"

"What's that?"

"Friends, we kind of need those to have a baby shower"

"Well let's see, I have my cousin Angie I'm close with, Michelle, my sister, and what about that intern that you have?"



"I guess so" Kelly shrugged

"So it's settled then"

"Okay" Kelly said not paying attention because she was to busy looking at the baby clothes.

Kelly groans rubbing her belly all the sudden.    "Bey I'm ready to go now" Kelly said

"Okay come on boo" I completely understood, my baby needs to be sitting down somewhere"

After we checked out. We walked out into the parking lot, while I put the things in the trunk Kelly got in the passenger side.

Well at least shopping was fun while it lasted.


Kelly held the front door open as I brought the stuff in the house.

I set the box on the ground. "Okay you go lay down and I'll take this stuff upstairs"

"You sure you don't need my help"

"Kelly I love that you want to help, but you need to get off your feet okay" I said "I got this"

"Okay" she nodded and went to lay down on the couch.

I took the bassinet box and took it upstairs and set it in the nursery.

Within a hour, I put the bassinet together. It sat in the middle of the room. "Hey kels" I say loudly. "Come upstairs I need to show you something"

I heard her slowly coming up the steps. "What" she asked entering the nursery.

"I put the bassinet together" I said smiling proudly.

"Oh my gosh, bey how'd you know how to do this"

"I followed the instructions"

"I love you so much" Kelly said seriously looking me in the eyes.

"I love you too baby"

"I can't wait for her to meet you" Kelly rubbed her belly. I came towards her and put my hands on her belly. " I can't wait to meet her" I said laughing.

"Okay, I need some food" Kelly said

Moment over.

"Girl you always hungry"

"Well gee I wonder why?" She said sarcastically as we started walking out of the room.

"And I don't want that healthy stuff you be giving me" she says

"Then what you want?" I asked as we started down the steps.

"Real food" she answers "No salads or stuff that makes me want to throw up"

"Be specific"

"I'm in the mood for Italian food"

"Kelly we are not having spaghetti again"

"Please" she begged.

"Fine come on"  I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Yayy" Kelly cheered happily

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