Chapter 29

587 31 11

(I feel terrible, I have a really bad cough and cold)

A couple days later.....


Today was my day off and unfortunately Beyoncé had work.

"Why can't you just take the day off ?"

"Because other pregnant people need me" she said

"Can't you just stay home?" I pout

"You know I wish I could" she said holding my hands. "I'll try to get home early okay?"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

"Aww don't be like that, I love you" she says which makes me smile.

"I just get lonely without you that's all"

"Okay baby I'm sorry but I gotta go I don't wanna be late" she quickly pecked my lips and hurried out the door.

"Love you too" I say even though I knew she was long gone. Beys been so busy with her job lately that we haven't had a lot of time together. I'm glad she's happy with her new job and all but I miss her. Like when we went shopping a couple days ago. That was most time I've spent with her during the day in a while. I don't wanna sound selfish.I just miss my bey bey is that so wrong?

I sigh deeply and now I have to pee. After using the bathroom I wash my hands and then I hear my phone ring. I quickly dry them off and go to answer it.

"Hello" I say

"Hey girl" it was Lala

"What's up " I say as I start walking over the bed.

"Nothing I wanted to check on you and see how things are " she said

"I'm fine" I said irritably

"Oop someone's grumpy, Did bey not fuck you or something"

"Well it's-"

"Omg your horny aren't you"

"She's not here like ever, and I'm getting sexually frustrated because we haven't done really anything yet and now with that new job she's just too busy for me" I said sadly

"Why don't you try talking to her?"

"That's the problem I don't wanna talk, I want her go down on me or something"

"Kelly take a cold shower" she said jokingly well I think she's joking.

"Look I gotta go" I say smiling

"Okay girl I'll talk to you later. And hey I mean it talk to bey" she says and hangs up.


So tonight is gonna be special, sense Kelly has been feeling a little down lately I'm gonna surprise her with a rooftop dinner. Just me and her and maybe just maybe we'll be able to you know.

Later on

So after work, I told Kelly to meet me at the place we were going to eat at and I told her to wear something sexy and easy for me to take off. I packed some sexy clothes for myself in my car so I changed at the hospital. Some of the nurses gave me a smirk as I left the building. I made sure that I got there before Kelly and I've had this planned out for a couple weeks.

 I made sure that I got there before Kelly and I've had this planned out for a couple weeks

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