Chapter 48

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(A few days later)


I can't believe I actually went through with it. Proposing like that wasn't the plan it was just the spur of the moment and I just went with it.

I got to work on time today and as I was walking towards my office. I noticed a woman sitting outside my office clearly waiting for me.

I approached her. "Hi can I help you?"

"Uh yes are you doctor Knowles" She asked

"Yes I am how can I help you?"

"Can we talk in your office?" She asked I nodded and unlocked the door and we walked in.

She sits on the other side of my desk And I take off my coat and sit with her.

"So what is it you need to talk about?"

"Well first off my names Kayla, Kayla Carter" she said

Kayla Carter. Shawn's wife. (I don't know if I gave her a name before)

"And I need your help, I need you to help me get pregnant" she said


"I know you don't know me and I've never been here but my husband Shawn recommended you and we've been trying for the last few months to get pregnant and every home test comes up negative. I know he wants kids and I want him to have them"

"Okay Well first we should meet with both of you on a different day but today will do a vaginal exam and some other test to see what's wrong"

"Oh thank you so much" she smiled. She was really nice and sweet.

"So I'll have another nurse get you started in a examination room then I'll be there soon" I confirmed. I called in a nurse to assist Kayla.

After I got done filling out her chart. I washed my hands and entered the room.

"This could be a little uncomfortable do you want to wait until your husband gets here" I said trying to keep it professional.

"No I'll be okay" she insisted.

I shrugged and mentally said okay.

I started the exam and I immediately what was wrong when I finished the exam.

I washed my hands again and turned to her.

"So what's wrong with me?"

"Well I can't tell at the moment but when we get the blood test back from the lab I'll give you a call and you'll come back in but I'll tell you that it's nothing serious"

"Okay" she nodded.

After she left. I decided to take my lunch break because I wasn't gonna have anymore patients for the next hour or so.

When I got in the car I decided to call Shawn.

"What's up?" He answered

"Hey so you live here in Georgia now?" I asked

"So you've met Kayla?"

"Yeah" I say as I start the car.

"Why did you recommend me?"

"Because I know your good at what you do" he replied.

I smiled. "Look I'll see you in a couple days for Kayla's next doctors appointment"



"Bye" I hung up and turned down corner onto are street. After a couple seconds I pull into the driveway.

I can't wait to tell Kelly about this. I enter the house and of course I only hear the Tv.

"Kelly?" I call as I walk into the living room. She's knocked out.

"Kels?" I smile as I get on the couch with her.

"Kelly wake up stop playing" I say as I playfully pushed her. Okay what the heck why was she not waking up.

"Kelly" I panicked as I shook her.

I felt her face and she was warm. I listened and she was still breathing but why was she not waking up?!

"Kelly" I cried as I went to lift her. This probably was not safe. But I carried her bridal style to the bathroom.

I set her in the tub and cut the water on. I splashed some on her face. After a couple of minutes. She starting coughing.

Oh thank god.

"What the hell?!" She said holding her belly.

"Oh thank god your okay"I said kissing her hand.

"What happened?"

"That's a good question" I say

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