Chapter 55

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(Short I'm sorry)

The next morning


My eyes fluttered open and it took me a minute to take in my surroundings but I realized I was at Regina's house. I couldn't believe she actually let me stay here. I mean I know I'm her sister and all but I don't even remember explaining to her about what happened with Kelly, Tim and I.

I got out of bed, I had to get out of here. I mean I had to go home. Omg I just realized I left Kelly and Tim home alone together.

I wrote a note to Regina and put it on the bed. I fixed my hair up a little bit after I got in the car.

Once I got home I noticed that Tim's car was gone. Thank god. Don't get me wrong Tim is a good person but him staying with us is messing up our relationship.

I walk in the house and it's quiet. I didn't even hear the tv on.

Beyoncé: Kelly

No answer. I walk up the steps and enter the bedroom. The bathroom door was left opened a crack and the light was on.

I tiptoed towards the door and peeked in. There she was. Soaking in a nice calming bath.

I slightly smiled after all that happened the other day she needed that. I opened the door.

Beyoncé: Hey

She opened her eyes. And glared at me.


She spoke softly.

Kelly:where'd you go last night?

I knew she was gonna ask and I had no reason to lie.

Beyoncé: I stayed with Regina for the night

Kelly:And What was so wrong with just staying on the couch or something

I shrugged.

Beyoncé: I don't know,I just needed to go somewhere else for the night.

Kelly: Oh okay.

Beyoncé:How are you feeling?

Kelly: Tired

Beyoncé: Did you sleep last night?

I leaned against the door frame crossing my arms

Kelly: No not really

Beyoncé: When did Tim leave?

Kelly: Early this morning

Beyoncé: Did Anything happen while I was gone

She rolled her eyes.

Kelly: Beyoncé come on No nothing happened Okay I went downstairs to see if you were there when I saw you weren't I went back to bed that's it.

Beyonce: You swear?

Kelly: Yes Nothing happened


I seriously don't know if I believe her or not. I went to turn back in the bedroom but Kelly called my name.


I turned back to her.

Beyoncé: Yeah

Kelly:I need your help.

Her cheeks turned red. I smiled a little bit.

I went over and grabbed her towel and took her wet hands and carefully pulled her up.

I've seen her naked before and this time was no different.

I wrapped the towel around her body and helped her step over the tub to get out. She held onto to me so she wouldn't fall. She slid right into my chest.

Beyoncé: Careful

I looked her in the eyes and she leaned in and smashed her soft wet lips against mine.

She dropped the towel. She whispered my name in my ear

Kelly: Beyoncé I need you

She bit her lip. I stroked the inside of her thigh and gave her a smirk.

Beyoncé: You know what they say about make up sex

I kissed her neck and her collar bone up and down.

Kelly: ohhh

She moaned and took her hand and led her to the the bedroom.

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