Chapter 46

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So the next few days have been hell for Kelly. The Braxton hicks contractions have gotten stronger as she is almost into her 8th month. And don't tell her I said this but she's huge well just her stomach everything else is just swollen.

The last two months are hard for first time mothers. Trust me all Kelly's been doing is complaining. She's been cranky and moody and just an emotional rollercoaster.

And I don't exactly think it's safe for Kelly to be alone for Long periods of time so while I'm at work I have Lala keep an eye on her.

I woke up at 7:00. I looked over at Kelly who was sleeping soundly as ever. Which was rare. Because of her big belly she couldn't get a good nights sleep. So when she did her mood was a little lighter but that only lasted for so long.

I got out of bed and went to take a shower. I thought about how my life had been turned upside down in the span of 8 whole months. I've been with Kelly for only 8 months and I already knew that I wanted to be with her forever.

Marry her?! No I can't do that. Well not yet. We'll save that for later on. I really wanna do it and get it over with but these things take time and with Kelly not being herself. I think it's best to wait. But for how long. Honestly that thought hadn't occurred to me until now. But for Kelly I can wait for however long I need to. I know she's not going anywhere.

I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me. I stepped out of the bathroom and looked at Kelly sleeping on the bed. She made a groaning noise and her eyes fluttered open.

Her eyes found themselves on me. "Good morning" I say lightly and quietly.

"Hey" she rubs her eyes.

"I didn't mean to wake you up I'm just getting ready for work"

"Your leaving for work?" She asked sadly

"Baby we go through this everyday, if I could I would stay here with you but I can't, kinda got to make money" I said

"But I"

" I know but I'll be home later and then we can just lay in bed and watch movies when I get back okay"

It was honestly like coercing a child.


"Okay I'm gonna go get dressed"

"You know I like you better when your not dressed" she said smiling lightly.

I laughed. "Oh really" I joke. As I make my way to the closet.

"Yeah" I heard her say as I watched her drift back off to sleep. I smiled. I have this amazing woman. I love her so much. I would do anything for her and I know she would do whatever it takes for me. That's us.

I got dressed and I was off to work.

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