Chapter 58

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A couple weeks later


In just four days I'm gonna be someone's mom. I couldn't believe it. Nine months goes by fast. Today I have one of my last doctors appointments until I go into labor.

"Hey babe, you ready" Beyoncé asks as she stood in the door frame.

"Yeah I think so" I say as I button up my shirt. To be honest it's the only button-up shirt that still fits.

And within 4 minutes we were again sitting in the waiting room. I smile to myself I remember the first doctors appointment that we went to when Beyoncé first started working with me.

"Beyonce can I ask you something" Kelly says

"Sure, what's up"

"Why did you want this job?" She asked " I mean you could be working for anyone else and doing anything you want, why did you want to work for me"

"Well I love taking care of people, it's always been something that makes me happy and I don't regret taking this job. I don't regret meeting you" I say and she blushes.

That was the day that I knew Beyoncé would be with me through whatever. I knew for a fact that she loved me. My little girl brought us together. I rubbed my belly.

"Kelly Rowland" the nurse called my name.

Beyoncé stood up. I held on to the arm rest and slowly with a little bit of Beyoncé's help was able to stand up.

We followed the nurse to a room and there we waited for the doctor.

"You okay Kels? You've been kinda quiet" Beyoncé asked.

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking" I replied.


"Just stuff" I answered simply. She always worried about me even if I liked it or not.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Beyoncé snapped at me.

"I'm eating chips what's the big deal?"

She took the bowl of chips away from me. "Hey!"

"There not healthy for the baby" she said seriously.

"But I want them" I pouted crossing my arms.

"Have something healthy, you can't keep eating junk food"

"Says who?"

"Says me"

"Ugh your no fun" I rolled my eyes getting up from the stool.

I knew for a fact that she would always care about me. She would always worry about me no matter what.

The doctor walked in.

"Hey guys" she smiled. "How are we doing today?"

"Uh I've been okay" I answered.

"Her Braxton hicks contractions have gotten stronger lately"

"Yes that's normal especially sense your due within the next few weeks" she explained. "Okay so Let's check and make sure everything looks okay" she said and I laid back on the table and Beyoncé came over and stood next to me.

She held my hand into hers. The nurse pulled my shirt up and went to put the cold gel on my belly.

She turned on the ultrasound machine and put the wand over my belly. My little girl popped on the screen after the doctor moved the wand around a little bit.

"There She is" the doctor smiled. "She looks healthy"

"Is she still breeched" Beyoncé asked.

I was with Tim when the doctor told us that. I still talk to him on the phone and when Beyoncé's at work.

"Yes But She has moved only a tiny bit so that when the time comes will be okay to turn her without any complications"

I exhaled. She was gonna come into this world okay. She's tough just like both of her mommies.


I knew Kelly was happy that she was gonna be okay coming into this world. I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't believe that in a few weeks She's gonna be here. Our daughter was coming into this world soon. She's the reason that we met. She's the reason I stayed. She's the reason that I'm with her mommy. I love her. I hope she knows that.

I remember walking in to Kelly's office that day and meeting her for the first time. From day one I knew she was special. 

I love her. We will be a family.

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