Chapter 24

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3 days later


Today is Saturday. So it's just a chill day. Just me and my baby Watching tv all day and just relaxing. After Kelly's little trip to the hospital I have been watching her like a hawk. I know she finds it annoying but I don't want anything to happen to her. Is that so wrong?

We laid in bed together and she was eating some chips, I let her have them so she would stop whining. I placed my hand on top of her growing belly. It was getting bigger but not by much. She was in the middle of her 3rd month. I love touching her stomach it just makes me happy it makes me feel happier when the baby actually kicks. Kelly has gotten annoyed by them so whenever she kicks apparently it's my all fault.

Kelly moved closer to me and put her head on my shoulder. "Bey?"

"What's  up?"

"What do you think of marriage?"

Marriage? Why is she asking about marriage?

"Uh I don't know" I say honestly. It's not something I've thought about lately.

"What if you were to marry me?" She said softly.

"Kelly" I say sighing.

"What? We've been together for 3 months now, and it feels like we're already a married couple"

Yes. She had a point but I wasn't really ready for something as big as marriage.

"Kelly how about this-" I start to say but my phone rings before I can say anything. I tapped the answer button and picked up.


After a short conservation with whoever is on the other end of the phone call. Bey looks at me Smiling.

"Omg thank you, yes I'll be there Monday morning" she said before hanging up.

"You got the job?" I asked happily.

"Yes I start Monday" she hugged me.

"Yay I knew you'd get it"

"You know what, I'm feeling good I'm gonna make dinner for us tonight"

"Please don't" I frowned

"Why not?"

"You can't cook"

"Fine I'll just make us some salads" she pecked my cheek.

"Salad?" I asked disgustedly


"Can't we have real food"

"What takeout" she joked

I rolled my eyes, "Fine salad it is"

"That's what I thought" bey laughed

"Shut up" I hit her with the pillow. And she got me right back.

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