Chapter 37

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That same day


I rushed to Kelly's house. I know exactly what's going on. It's from the stress of all that's been going on. I looked over at my phone and saw I had text from Nicki. I couldn't worry about her right now. Kelly is my main concern right now.

I pulled up to her house and jumped out of the car. I still had the keys so I unlocked the door and stepped in.

"Kelly?" I called. I heard something coming from upstairs. It was coming from the bed room. I walked up the steps and entered the bedroom.

"Kels!" I gasped looking at her. She was on the edge of the bed breathing heavily.

"Bey... my....message" she said between breaths.

I walked towards her and kneeled in front of her. "Beyoncé.... what is.... happening?"

"It's the stress, it's hurting the baby" I say in a soothing voice.

"Is she okay?Beyoncé what's wrong with her?" She asked panicked

I touched Kelly's stomach and the baby was kicking hard. That's got to be painful.

"Well she's not to happy right now " I say putting my ear to her stomach, she was moving alright.

"Well  What do I need to do?" Kelly asked slight starting to panic again. Before I could explain to her what she had to do to help settle the baby Down  Kelly lurches forward and grabs my hand. "Fuck!" She moans

"Kelly, breathe, in and out, in and out" I directed and she copied my breaths slowly.

"Good" I add as I see her visibly start to relax.

"I'm good, I'm okay, we're okay" she mutters as she rubs her belly.

"You can't let what's happening with us affect the health of the baby, you need to stay calm"

"I'm sorry have you met me?" She asked snapping at me and letting go of my hand that I forgot she had been holding on to.

"Kelly" I stood up. "I don't want anything to happen to you or her"

" I know you don't Bey" she said looking up at me.  "So now what?" She asked breaking the tension between us.

"I'm gonna grab some clothes and head back to work"

"Oh okay" Kelly says as she goes to stand up

"You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah I'll be fine but uh thanks for coming" she said looking up at me.

I nod and turn towards the closet. Was she really gonna allow me to leave? As I grabbed my stuff. I tried not to make eye contact with Kelly.

After grabbing most of the clothes that I needed. I was on my way out.

"Beyoncé?" Kelly said my name from behind me. I put the clothes in the car and shut the door. I turned to her.

"Yeah" I ask

"Do you uh do you want the ring back" she asked.

"No it's yours, keep it" I say. Truth is I didn't want it back, taking that ring back meant that this relationship was truly over. I knew that if she still wore it that there was at least hope that we could fight through it Together.

"Oh okay " she nodded crossing her arms.

"I'll see you around I guess" I say getting in the car.

She nodded again. "Yeah"

"Bye" I say

"Bye" she replies And I drive off.

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