Chapter 54

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That same night.


After dinner was over everyone was on they're way out. Kelly dashes upstairs I know she was just gonna try to avoid this whole situation. I left Tim to finish cleaning up.

"So are we gonna just pretend that I didn't see you almost kiss Tim" I said shutting our bedroom door so we could have some privacy.

"We can if you want" Kelly said simply as she was walking out from the bathroom.

"I can't believe you right now" I was in utter shock. She really didn't even care.

"Look it's not like we kissed anyway what's the big deal" Kelly shrugged.

"The big deal is that I'm your fiancé!" I said she clearly was not getting the point. "And You clearly still have feelings for him"

"Actually You know what come here" I grabbed her hand and basically dragged her down the steps.

"Tim come here" I called as we made Are way down the steps.

"Beyoncé what are you doing?" She asked trying to get out of my grip.

"What's up" Tim walked towards us.

"You almost kissed my fiancé that's what's up"

"Oh yeah" Tim shoved his hands in his pocket. "Beyoncé I'm sorry but it didn't even mean  anything"

"Excuse me" Kelly exclaimed.

"I want him out" I say turning to Kelly and letting go of her arm.

"Oh my gosh Beyoncé is this really necessary?!" Kelly crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry Tim I like you and all  but I don't trust you" I say. "Especially not with her" I look at Kelly angrily.

"Look I'll be out by tomorrow, I'm sorry about this kells" he said and walked up the steps and I saw the guest room door shut.

" I can't believe you right now " Kelly rolled her eyes.

"It was him or me you couldn't choose so I did it for you"

"It wasn't like I slept with him like you slept with Nicki"

"Yeah and how did you feel when that happened, You were pissed so right now I have the right to be upset"

"Over something that didn't even happen how does that make sense!" Kelly snapped.

"Because it was going to happen if I hadn't walked in"

She on her hand on her back. "Look it's late can we talk about this tomorrow"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes. She was just gonna act like this never happen and expect me to move on.

She walked up the stairs and shut the bedroom door.

I shook my head. I needed to get out of here. Just for the night.

I shut all the lights off downstairs and left.

A couple minutes later.

"Beyoncé?" Regina opened her door she was in a robe and her hair was up in a bun.

"Hi I know it's late but can I stay here for the night"

"Sure come in" she nodded  and I walked in.

3 hours later.


"Bey?" I groaned as I turned from laying on my back on to my side. I felt the other side of the bed and it took me a minute to realize that Beyoncé had never came to bed or if she was sleeping in a different room why hadn't she come to get her pillow.

"Bey?" I sit up. I carefully got out of bed and walked out in the hallway.

I held on to the railing of the stairs as I  walked down them. As soon I got to the bottom I turned the light on.

"Beyoncé" I repeat as I enter the living room. I look over at the couch and it was empty.

"Tim!" I call out. "Tim!"

I hear a door open and I see Tim's sleepy form walk down the steps.

"What, what's going on" he rubbed his eyes.

"Beyoncé's gone" I say panicking.

"Gone where?"

"Gone out fishing" I snap "Gone Gone, you idiot"

"I'm sure she'll back tomorrow morning" he says taking my hand. "You need your rest"

We start up the stairs together. He leads me to my room. He stops standing in the door frame. I turn to him.

"Thanks for everything" I say I know I shouldn't do this but if felt right in the moment. I kissed him.

"Good night" I said shutting the door.

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