Chapter 43

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(Short I'm sorry) I don't have titles for these but I'm gonna call this "A long day"

Two days later


Yep, in case you were wondering Kelly's still pissed. I've been trying to just get through it but no when Kelly's mad she doesn't let you forget that she's mad at you. 

I can't worry about that right now. One of my patients are about to give birth!

"Okay honey I need you to breathe and push" I say as she starts pushing. Look I've seen people give birth before but sense I have a certain someone that is about to give birth in the next like 2 months. It's starting to hit me. I know it's technically not mine. But I've been here since day one. So this child is my family.

After about two to three hours later. The baby was here.

"Okay Mrs. Hendrix, you have a healthy baby boy" I say handing her, her newborn son. I smiled looking at her and her husband looking down at their baby.

A 3 newborn babies later. I arrived home earlier than I would on a busy day.

"Hey kells I'm home" I say as I take my jacket off.

I didn't hear Kelly's voice call back to me.

"Kelly?"I call out again. I sigh realizing maybe she's still avoiding me. I walked upstairs and entered are room.

There she was fast asleep in bed already. She looked like her day was just as hard as mine.

She groaned and turned on her side. I took off my shoes and threw my purse on the chair and started taking off my clothes.

"Bey?" I heard her say sleepily.

I looked up from grabbing some yoga pants and saw her sitting up in bed.

"Hey baby" I say quietly and put my pants on. And walk towards her. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up, go back to sleep"

"No, I have to tell you about my day" she said rubbing her eyes.

"Okay hold on" I say and go to finish putting my pajamas on.

I come back and I sit on the bed next to her.

"Okay tell me about your day"

"So first off I went shopping because I needed new clothes and I picked up something for you" she was smiling but she still looked exhausted.

"What?" I ask as she slowly moved towards the nightstand and pulled out a box from the drawer.  What was happening here?

She turned back to me. She opened the box and pulled out a piece of paper.

"I know she's not here yet but I've been thinking that maybe I might need a little help raising her when she grows up and I would like you to be apart of that" she handed the paper to me.

I looked at it. " Legal guardian/adoptive mother- Beyoncé Knowles"

(I don't know what you call it but you get the point)

I looked at Kelly and she was grinning.

I hugged her tightly. "So is that a yes" she said and I laughed.

"Of course It is" I reply.

"Okay good so we can go to sleep now"

"Oh thank god" I say getting under the covers. I heard her giggle at my comment. She reached over and turned the light off and we both went to sleep.

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