Chapter 5

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Day 4


Today Kelly went back to work. So she asked me to pick up some more things at the store for her. I'm so nervous about later on. If Tim was right then the conversation might get awkward real fast. But maybe I should tell her how I feel first then let her open up to me. So that I don't have to mention speaking to her ex behind her back.

I arrived at well our house And grabbed the groceries and brought them in the house. When I entered the kitchen. I got a text. I set everything down so I could check it.

The text said

Kelly:Hey I forgot to tell you I have a doctors appointment after work today would you like to come with me?

I reply back

Me: Sure just pick me up and we can drive together

Kelly:Sounds good to me

Me:I needed to ask u something


I couldn't do this over text. So I just put.

Me: I forgot what kind of ice cream you like is moose tracks ok?

Kelly:yh it's fine

I sighed deeply And then a unknown number popped up on my screen.

Unknown: hey Beyoncé it's your mom. I wanted to let you know that your cousin Angie is getting married in a couple of weeks and she wants you to come and she would like it if you brought date.

My mom and I haven't talked for a while. Mainly because I came out of the closet and she refused to speak with me. So I knew what she meant by bringing a date. Meaning bring a heterosexual male with you so you don't rub your lesbianism on others.

You know what I have a idea.

Me:yeah I'll be there and so will my date

Tina: Great can't wait to see you

I rolled my eyes. I set my phone down and put all the food away. By the time I had done that I went upstairs to take a shower. It was almost 3.

I looked at my phone and I had a missed call from Kelly. My heart dropped. Was she okay? Did something happen?

I called her back.

Kelly: Hello? Beyoncé?

She sounded different I couldn't put my finger on it exactly but she didn't sound right.

Me: hey I'm sorry I missed your call, are you okay?

Kelly: no, Beyoncé I need you

Was she crying? I made my way to the door.

Me: Where are you?

Kelly: uh first street.

Why was she literally all the way on the other side of town?!

Me: did you get in a accident?

Kelly:no I got car jacked. I don't know what to do. Can you please just come get me?

Me: I'm on my way. Hold on


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