Chapter 21

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A couple days later.


Today is another check up with doctor Weston. We get to actually see the baby This time. Now I'm gonna tell y'all something I have been thinking about a lot lately. I love Kelly being her doula and her girlfriend is great but I need a life outside of that. I'm gonna apply for the OBGYN position at the hospital. I will of course talk to Kelly about it.

Kelly and I get ready for the doctors appointment. Lately she's been all over the place and y'all think it was bad before no now it's gotten worse. I can't keep up with her emotions sometimes.

"You ready babe?" I ask in the doorway of our room.

"Yeah" she steps out of the bathroom. "Let's go"

I make sure the house is all locked up before I get in the car.

Just like last time, she's nervous.

"Bey" she says

"Yeah babe" I answer

"I think something's wrong with the baby" she replied

"Why do you think that?" I ask I know it seems like I don't care but I do care. She just worries way to much sometimes.

"Because the baby usually kicks every so often but now there's no kicks at all"

"Kelly, I'm sure the baby's fine"

"You don't know that" she mumbled irritably.

I pulled into the doctors office and parked, Kelly and I walked in. We told them we were here and we sat down in the waiting area.

After about 3 minutes of waiting. We got called back. I'm so excited about seeing the baby.

The doctor asked Kelly some questions and after answering all of them.

"Okay let's take a look"

Kelly lifted up her shirt and took my hand. The doctor moved the ultrasound wand around after putting this blue gel on her stomach.

"Okay" the doctor said looking at the screen And there he was. Well he or she was.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Kelly asked

"It looks like it's a girl" he said

"It's a girl" Kelly gasped

"Yep congratulations" the doctor said smiling.

"We're having a girl" Kelly said happily. Squeezing my hand.

She said we. I can't believe she said we. I know technically the baby isn't blood related to me but I still feel connected to her. Because of her, Kelly and I are together. I can't wait to meet her.

"Is she okay?"

"Yes she's very healthy" the doctor answered

"See I told you" I said leaning down and kissing Kelly's forehead.

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