suffer of the silenced part 9

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I ran out of the house. On our tour, Landon showed me where he lived; it was only about a mile from my grandmother's.

As I started down the long curvy driveway I heard my grandma shouting behind me, yelling out that she was sorry and for me to come back, but I didn't have time. I needed Kris and my mom out of that house now!

What was I going to say to him? Would he call me a liar, too? If he didn't believe me, I had to go to the police, if they didn't believe me either, I would have to go back and face my father.

I ran the entire way there. I finally reached his house and banged on the door. It was early in the morning; the sun was barely awake yet, just poking above the horizon. Luckily, Landon was awake, getting ready to come to work for my grandma.

"Lillian? What are you doing here? Have you been crying?" He pulled me into his arms. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

I was sobbing again. My tears ran down my face and onto his shirt. I was trying to choke out what I needed to say, but I couldn't. I felt safe in his arms, and if he turned me away and didn't trust what I was about to say, I didn't know what I would do. I didn't know what I could do.

"M-my fa-fath-er." Was all I could say at first. I took a deep breath and tried to control my voice. I couldn't look at Landon, I didn't want to see the look on his face after what I was about to tell him.

"What about your father?" He asked, sounding concerned. He was stroking my hair, trying to get me to go on.

"My father, he is going to hurt my sister and mom. He use to hurt me, and I ran away, and now he is going to hurt them again." I was getting hysterical again. I took another deep breath.

His body was rigid now; his arms were tight and stiff around me. "What do you mean he hurt you?" I could hear the strain in his voice, trying to keep it under control.

A sob came from my throat. I was crying again, shaking after each sob that came out. His arms were the only things holding me up. I took another breath and tried to continue.

"He, he hit me and my mom, then h-he." I couldn't say it. I didn't know the words. "H- he molested me!" It all came out in a jumble of sounds. I didn't know if he understood what I said, but I guessed he did because his arms tightened again, cutting off my breathing.

Once he saw my struggle, he loosened his grip and pulled me inside, practically carrying me, and sat me down on the couch.

"Where does that bastard live?" He asked me.

I gave him the address as he left the room and went into the kitchen.

I heard him yell my story to the police on the phone, demanding that they went over there as soon as possible. I heard him slam the phone down.

He came back into the living room. He wore a fake smile on his face to try to comfort me. "They are going over there right now. Everything is going to be all right." I pulled me onto his lap and kissed my forehead. "I promise that that man will never touch you again. No one will ever hurt you." In the tone of his voice I knew he meant it.

He held me while I cried, drenching his shirt in my tears. After I had no more tears he helped me to his car and drove me back to my grandma's house. I told him that she didn't believe me and that she would be livid that he called the police.

"You need to go get some rest. I promise that I won't let her saying anything mean to you. After I finish work you can come with me if you don't want to be alone with her."I just nodded my head. I really was tired.

We pulled up to the house with the sun high in the sky now. He came around the car to open my door. He picked me up in his arms and carried me to the door.

I already was drifting off the sleep that I didn't understand what him and my grandmother were saying to each other, I didn't even realize he put me on my bed.

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