suffer of the silenced part 3- complete

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I kept walking, but I was so exhausted. I three days ago, wondering clueless around in the woods. I had no clue where I was, if I went in the right direction I had to be close to grandma's house by now, but all I had to go on was an envelope with an address on it.

It was early in the morning, still dark outside, but you could see the sun coming up in the sky. I heard a car zoom past close by. I ran towards where the sound came from. Suddenly I was on a hard surface, the road!

Had I been this close to it the entre time? Had I wondered around, lost in the woods when right next to me was salvation?

The sun outlined the toad a little now. From what I could see, there was nothing for miles. It was woods on both sides and a road that went straight on and seemed to go on forever. No more cars were coming from what I saw.

I could either keep walking, still not sure of which direction to go, or I could wait until some drove by.

I decided to wait; I was too tired and frustrated to go any farther anyway. I sat down on the side of the road and tried to get a little rest before I kept going, using by bag as a pillow. This entire time I had only gotten about 5 hours of sleep.

Right as I was drifting off into sleep, bright lights made me open my eyes. An old, beat-up red truck slowed and the window rolled down.

"Do you need a ride?" A husky voice asked. I knew it was not a good idea to get in the car, but I was just going to get lost if I kept walking. Plus I had to hurry to get help for my family and this was definitely the faster way.

"Yeah, thanks." I said as I opened the rusty passenger door. Inside the car was warm; I hadn't even realized I was cold until the heat hit me. I shivered involuntarily.

"So, where are you going?" he said as the car started.

"Uh," I reached in my pocket to find the wrinkled envelope, "265 Edgewood Lane in Green County."

"Great! That's where I was heading anyway. I'm Landon by the way." He was actually really cute. Landon had brown, shaggy hair falling into his eyes, bright green eyes, a very white boyish smile, and tan skin.

"I'm Lillian. Thanks for picking me up, I really thought I was going to be out there forever."

"No problem. I like helping people out. So why were you out there anyway?" He asked.

"Why are you driving around on a deserted road picking up strange girls?" I shot back at him. He turned towards me with a big smile and started laughing.

"So you're a strange girl now?" He asked.

"Maybe a little bit, but don't worry, I won't try to kill you or anything." I said jokingly.

He kept laughing. "Thanks, I was really worried that you were going to try that." He winked at me.

"Do I have anything to worry about? You aren't going to try anything are you?" I asked, not exactly joking this time.

"No worries." He said as he calmed his laughing.

"Good. Thanks for everything, but do you think you could just wake me up when we get there? I'm beat." He just nodded his head and smiled.

I laid my head against the window and finally fell asleep.

"Lillian? Good morning, how are you feeling?" he asked in a comforting voice.

"Uh, fine, thanks. Where are we?" I said, still groggy from sleeping.

"Well, we're almost there. Do you want to get breakfast or something? Your stomach was grumbling the entire time. My treat." He looked over and flashed me a big smile.

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