suffer of the silenced part 4- complete

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"Well, I am your granddaughter." As I said this I could look at her. My heart was beating so fast in my chest. I started to feel dizzy and nauseated.

"That's impossible. I don't have any grandchildren." Her eyes were looking everywhere but at me. "My son would have told me and -"

"Actually you have two." I was running just on anger now. How could my father have kept me and Kris a secret from everyone? "Your son, Jared Asher, married my mother, Tanya Asher. Together they had me, Lillian, and my little sister, Kris."

She stared at me for a moment, looking confused, then her face twisted and she looked as if she were about to cry. "I'm sorry. I don't know who you are, but I know my son would have told me! He wouldn't keep something like that from me."

"Think about it, you haven't seen him in almost twenty years, I'm 18. They probably stopped seeing you when my mother became pregnant."

"How did you know that? How did you know I haven't seen Jared in twenty years?" She asked. Her eyes were huge and her mouth was in a perfect circle.

"I found the letter you wrote him in his room." I pulled out the envelope and handed it to her.

She took it and stared at it for a long time. She looked up slowly, her expression soft and understanding, but suddenly harsh again.

"There is just no way! It's impossible. He would never keep my family a secret from me." She shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest.

"How can you not believe me? I look just like my mother, I have the envelope you sent him, how could have gotten that if I didn't live with him?"

"I don't know and frankly I don't care. Don't appreciate this joke. Leave me property now." She started to close the door. I jammed my foot in the crack just before it did.

"I have this, too!" I searched through my bag until I found his wallet, once I found it I handed it to her.

She stared at it for another long moment. "Why would you steal his wallet? Who does that kind of thing?" She didn't look up as she spoke.

"You have to believe me! I am his daughter, I am your granddaughter. I know this is a lot to take in but you can't deny this." My voice caught and I had to choke back tears.

What was I going to do if she didn't believe me? Kris and mom would die if she did not help me right now.

"But why would he keep you a secret from me?"

I didn't have it in me to tell her what my father had done. "My mother didn't tell anyone about us because her parents didn't approve of the marriage." I lied. A faint smile crossed across her face. Relief that it wasn't that my parents didn't want her in our lives?

"You really are my granddaughter?" She asked as she finally looked up.

I smiled and nodded, a couple tears ran down my face. She believed me.

"So then why did you decide to come here honey?" She asked as she ushered me inside.

"My mother and I got in a fight ...over me not knowing my family. So I decided to finally meet you."

Her face lit up, and then she flung her arms around me, having to stand on her tippy-toes to do so.

"I am so happy to finally meet you, darling! Now, why don't you join me for breakfast?"

"Sounds great!" I said as I chocked back a sob of joy. I wasn't that hungry, but it would be great to sit down with her.

She disappeared into the kitchen. She lived in a charming house. The entire inside was wood. A large staircase sat at the front of the house and had a great open living room. I followed her; the smell of pancakes and eggs wafted through the room and made my mouth water.

I sat down at the table and she brought a huge plate of food out and sat it in front of me.

"So, how long will you be staying here?

"For a while probably, if that is okay with you?"

"Of course it is! Will we need to get you enrolled in school?"

"I don't think so, by the time we get everything transferred here school will already be out." She nodded in agreement.

"Why didn't your sister come, too? I would have loved to see her, and your father. Even your mother!"

"It was kind of a spur of the moment decision. I didn't really even have time to get my stuff together."

"I can't believe I have never seen you before! You are so gorgeous and tall! You do look exactly like your mother! So, tell me all about yourself!"

"Well, I just turned eighteen. I know none of my family, but I really wished I did. I don't have that many friends. Um, I love reading and horses-"

"I have horses! They are in the stable at the edge of the property. Maybe tomorrow Landon can take you back there to see them. He is such a sweet boy."

"He really is. He helped me get here."

"He likes to help people. It's amazing how good a boy he is, he comes from a really messed up family."

I could relate. "What happened?"

"His mother had an affair with his father's brother. It absolutely tore his family apart. Ben, his older brother, left the house and now lives with his father." She shook her head in pity. "Landon takes care of her now, such a good boy."

"That's horrible! Poor Landon. I met his sister earlier, she is really nice."

"Dahlia? She is sweet now, but she was not so well after the divorce. She went into a depression and tried to kill herself once, almost succeeded. It was so sad, now she sees a therapist and is better. That tore Landon apart, too."

"I would have never guessed! How long ago was that?"

"About three years I believe. He is always looking out for her now; he doesn't let anything upsetting ever get to her."

"Poor family. Do they ever talk to their dad anymore?"

"Landon just got back in touch with him; he goes and visits him a couple of times a week. Dahlia refuses to talk to him, she said he ruined her life and he was not going to come back and do it again."

"He said he was coming back from his dad's house when he picked me up."

"Picked you up?" She asked

"Yeah, I was, um, on the side of the road and he offered a ride."

"What? What if a crazy person had picked you up? He could have killed you, and then I would have never met you! Are you crazy?"

"No, I just didn't have a way to get here. I wasn't even sure if I was going in the right direction." I bowed my head as my cheeks turned red. I knee it was a stupid thing to do, but I just didn't care at the time.

"Well are never going to do that again, do you understand me?" She pointed a shaky finger at me.

"Yes ma'am." My first scowling from my grandmother, I could not help but smiling. I had to resist the urge to get up and go hug her.

"Honestly, how did your father raise you? Do you like to run out into traffic, too? Put your hand on a hot stove? Acting like a crazy person taking rides from complete strangers, who does that?

I had to hold in my laughter. "I'm sorry; I promise I won't do anything else that is stupid."

"Oh, I know you won't, because if you it will be the last thing you do. Understand me?"

"Yes." I said nodding my head.

Even though I was so excited to see her, my mind kept drifting back to Landon. He might be able to understand what I was going through. How has he stayed so strong through what he went through? I really hoped he came by later---

I had completely forgotten about my other family.

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