suffer of the silenced part 22

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The way Ben was standing, strong and confident, frightened me. You could see the power he had, and my father saw it. I could see him recoil, not sure of what to do next.

Ben's voice boomed, even more powerful than his stance. "Get away from my brother." His voice was controlled, which might have been the scariest thing about him, he wasn't scared.

Mt father lunged for him, quickly falling after a blow he received from Ben that I didn't even see, but I heard. He was writhing on the ground, clutching the side of his head.

Ben stood over him, pressing his foot down on the father's neck, "Now, where is my father?" He asked using the same scary tone.

I felt a hand on my back. Landon was standing there, looking at his brother with admiration and fear. You could see the purple bruises already appearing on his face and bare arms.

I broke my gaze once I heard my father laugh. "You'll never see him again, boy." He said in a choked whisper from under the weight of Ben's foot on his throat. His laugh was distorted and sounded more like the wounded cries from a trapped animal.

Ben looked at us, the anger visible in his face, making me fall back into Landon, who wrapped his arms protectively around me. "Get her out of here." He said through his teeth.

I shivered as Landon practically dragged me out of the room since my legs refused to work. I picked me up over his shoulder like I weighed nothing and walked down the stares and outside, where he finally put me down.

He cupped my face in is hands, "I thought I was never going to see you again."

My heart broke at that moment. I could see he worried he was, not for his father or brother, but for me. There was a longing, one that I had never felt my entire life, for him. He was my love, my heart, me life. And I knew I was his.

"Why did you come back?" I asked, surprised at the tenderness and love in my voice.

"Nothing would have kept me away from you. I hitch hiked and got here just in time." He smiled, looking relieved but worried. Worried that he was almost too late.

"What about Ben?" I asked.

"I don't know. I had no clue he was coming, but he came back."

His answer surprised me. Why had Ben come back? He said I needed to do this to get his father back. There was no way he could have gotten all the way back to Landon and realized he was gone, then came back to save him. There was another reason.

Landon dropped his hands to my waist and pulled my into a hug, crushing me against him, but I didn't mind. It felt good to be close to him, practically making ourselves become one person.

I heard my father scream then, making me shiver. Landon held me closer. Ben was going to get information about his father, even if he had to torture my father to do so.

Landon was gently stroking my hair and rubbing my back, trying to calm me. I closed my eyes and just melted into him, soaking him in.

"I love you Lillian. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you." I heard the love in his voice. With those words, melting my insides.

"I love you, too. God, I love you so much! All I want to do is be with you, but things just keep getting in the way and-"

He cut off my words with a kiss, a deep and passionate kiss that made my heart pound in my ears. Drowning out the cries of pain from my father for what could have been an hour, a month, or a year, I didn't notice anything except Landon.

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