suffer of the silenced part 5- complete

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"So, this will be your room while you stay here." She opened the door and I stepped into a cluttered, dusty looking room. "No one has stayed here before, so this was the storage room. It's the only spare room I have though, so I guess it will have to do." Boxes covered the floor and were stacked almost completely to the ceiling. Pushed against the wall was an old antique bed. I walked over and dropped by bag next to it.

"Oh, it's fine." Truth was that any place was heaven compared to home, I would much rather stay in a messy room than in that hell.

There was a knock on the door and my grandmother disappeared into the hall. When I followed her my heart skipped a beat, Landon was standing in the door. "Yeah, I just came by to check up on Lillian." He looked past my grandmother, when he saw me he smiled and didn't turn away. I strode towards the door, "Hey, I'm fine. Did you need something?"

My grandma got the feeling that we wanted to be alone and left the room. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me or something. Maybe I could show you around town?" He looked nervous; he cheeks were turning a little red.

"That would be great! Let me just ask her if I can go really quick.-"

"Oh, just go darling! But be back before dinner!" I heard her call from the kitchen.

Landon smiled and took my hand, "Well let's get going then." He said as he led me out the door.

"Oh, Landon! Do you mind showing Lillian the horses! That would be fine." My grandmother called again.

"No problem Mrs. Asher!" He closed the door behind and turned around the house, still holding my hand.

"Do you know how to ride?" He asked.

"I use to. I fell off a couple of times and quit."

"If you fall I will catch you. Maybe." We both laughed.

The field behind the house was large. Flowers covered the ground, making the air smell sweet. In the distance you could see a small horse stable.

Landon bent down a picked a pretty yellow flower and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I said as I smiled up at him.

He smiled back. "So are you nervous?"

"Maybe a little." I replied. Actually, I was extremely nervous. I had always been terrified of horses since I fell off of one and broke my arm. But I was also really excited. I wanted to spend time with Landon, even if it was feet off the ground on a scary animal.

Up close the stable looked huge and old. Wooden planks looked like they were about to fall. Nails stuck out of the boards. You could smell the hay and horses.

I followed Landon inside, where six horses stood in their stalls. He walked up to light brown one and patted its nose. "This one is the sweetest. No one has ever had an accident with her, so you can ride this one."

I stayed where I stood and watched Landon walked across the room and grab a saddle and put it on her. He got her all ready, and then did the same thing to a large black horse.

He handed me a rope. "Just lead her outside."

The horse followed the rope I was holding outside. Landon came out a second later and walked over to me.

"Are you ready for this?" He asked, smiling widely.

I nodded me head weakly.

"Alright put your foot here. And up you go." His hands went around my hips and he picked me up and onto the horse. "Awesome. Just give me one second."

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