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"Bye baby." I smiled as I kissed Danny on the cheek and bounded down the patio stairs to meet Zak.

"Hey, be safe, okay Alli?" He cocked his head to the side, gave me a half smile and I nodded back. He worried about me on lockdowns, especially ones that were so far away. I couldn't blame him either-- sometimes I would come home and it would affect me terribly. Sometimes I would go a week barely talking to him, either staying in bed or staying at Zak's for a few nights.

"Zak, take care of my girl while you're out there." He shouted so that he could hear him from the van.

"Of course, always do." He seemed like he was not in such a great mood. He usually would talk to Danny for a bit, but he sounded a little bitter this morning. He grabbed my things from me as I walked closer. I waved to Danny as we pulled off to go pick up Aaron, Billy, and Jay.

"What happened? You're acting weird today." I asked, leaning forward. Zak sighed and just looked straight ahead.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Don't worry." Zak turned his head to look at me, seeing as we were at a red light, and curled his lips up. It felt fake.

"Tell me, please. I know what you look like when you fake." I put my hand over his and tried to get him to speak up.

"I'm fine. I just got a lot on my mind."

"Well get it off and tell me, I've got your back."

"Allison, can you just leave it?" He quipped. It wasn't aggressive or anything enough to hurt my feelings, but it let me know that I should just shut up. He'd talk to me when he wanted.

"Okay. I'm sorry."

"Don't-it's. It's fine, alright? It's cool." he said, turning up the stereo. We drove in silence until we picked up the other three guys and got down the road. The rest of the drive was chill, with us all joking around and throwing shit like usual, each of us rotating to drive the extremely long drive.

We finally got to the hotel the next day, and I went to my room. I set my stuff down on the bed and walked over to Zak's room after changing. We both had trouble sleeping in hotel rooms, so it was typical of us to hang out until we were dead tired.

"Knock knock." I said as I walked in, smiling.

Zak was standing over his suitcase on his bed and unpacking a few things, setting them on the dresser. He looked up at me as I walked over.

"Oh, hey Alli. What's up?" He motioned for me to come and sit down on his bed and sat down himself.

"Wanted to hang out." I shrugged my shoulders.


"A little." I leaned into him and he put his arm over my shoulders. I had originally wanted to talk about earlier, but if he was that upset, I was going to let it ride for a little while.

"We got this. We know everything we can about this location and it's gonna go down just fine. You can hang out in here tonight if you want, I don't see why we even get separate rooms anymore. They should just do a connector, we're together constantly anyway."

"You're right. We don't want the channel to think there's something going on when there isn't though."

"Or Prince Daniel." I snapped my head to look at him.

"Daniel knows what's up. Trust me, if he thought anything was going down between us we'd be having bigger problems than I would want to deal with."

"Totally a joke. Damn, did I get you with that one? "

 Damn, did I get you with that one? "

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"Hmmm maybe." I laughed and we sat back on the headboard and played on our phones for a while. Zak was texting his kind-of girlfriend, I was sure, and I was texting Danny.

Zak seemed a little strung up today -Danny

I said the same thing. He says not.

Well if you find out anything, let me know.- Danny

I will. What are you doing tonight?

Nothing. Playing some videos games maybe. I really fucking miss you.- Danny

You miss my ass ;)

Fair point, I do miss your ass. But I miss all of you, just the same. -Danny

Just teasing. I'm hanging out right now, I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?

Okay. Love you, Allison. -Danny

I love you too. Goodnight.

Goodnight. -Danny

I giggled as I put my phone down and leaned onto Zak's chest. He smoothed down my hair as I reached for the remote and turned on some kind of comedy special.

"Something to entertain?"


It ended up being really funny, Zak and I laughing almost all the way through, When it was over we sat up and talked some more, but I eventually did have to go back to my room to catch some sleep for the next night.

At some point I hoped I'd get that man to spill it.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm not super sure how often I'll be updating this, but I hope you like it. I have a couple of chapters already written, but I want to get things right before publishing. This is based off an idea I had quite a while ago. (Also don't worry, Danny won't be here for long ;))

Feel free to comment!! Please be nice to me :)

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