Old family, new problems

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"Lilyanne!" I shouted at her door as I banged on it.

I heard the lock tumble and she opened the door, blinking at the sun.

"Come in, it's early as shit."

"It's 11 am."

"Yeah, I know." She laughed and tossed a beer can in the trash as we passed her kitchen counter.

"Busy night?"

"100%. C'mere." She put her finger to her lips to hush me, and I followed her back to her bedroom.

She opened the door, and I was affronted with a bare ass! I clamped my hand over my mouth as she closed the door. I smacked her shoulder and squealed.

"Who is that?" She shrugged and burst into laughter, as did I.

"You are too wild for me." I said, sitting down.

"I know, you love me!" She sat across from me, pulling a water bottle toward herself. "What's up, love?

"Obviously nothing as interesting as what you've got going on."

"Is it ever?"

"No, and if it ever is I'm in trouble. I just figured we could hang out, Zak's been gone for a couple of days and..."

"You're missing him bad, huh?"

I shrugged and nodded, kind of embarrassed at the tone she'd used.

"You know I'm just teasing. You guys are a banging couple, I'd miss it too. When's the last time you guys have been apart?"

"For more than a night or two? Not since Danny and I split. It's not too hard when you live together though, as you'd imagine."


"Yeah. He's called every night, at least, but they lockdown tonight. I could say I'm not a cocktail of worry and jealousy, but then I'd be a liar."

"Oh hush, you'll be back to work soon enough. You've gotta get yourself feeling better, Alli. When's the last time you've taken off?"

"I haven't. I think I've been on every episode since I joined, this is a first for me. I'm missing three in a row."

"Well, I'll certainly miss seeing your beautiful face grace my television screen, but I'll settle for having you see me in person." We had a laugh and hung out for a bit. Lily never changed out of her loosely tied robe but she really didn't seem to care. She was the most free-spirited person I had ever met and I was glad every day that I had met her. You need someone in your life that makes you think about what really matters in the grand scheme of things. She did what and who she wanted, whenever she wanted. She had her own schedule that she made up, had traveled to just as many places as I had if not more, and really didn't care what people thought about her. Like, actually, truly, did not care. She was explosive and loud, but damnit if she wasn't fun, and one of the most caring people I'd met.

"Aren't you nervous for when he like, comes out here?" I asked quietly, remembering the man in her bed.

She shrugged and popped a grape into her mouth from the bowl on the table.

"Not really. He'll come out here and I'll send him out there." She said, pointing to her front door. "Pretty painless for me."

"Damn Lilyanne."

"Hey! I'm not cold, I just know what I want, and a relationship with any of the men I bring home is not one of them." I shook my head at her, and asked,

"When he's finally gone do you want to come over to my place? It's huge, there's a pool, and I don't really wanna leave Gracie alone for too long."

"Absolutely. I haven't got any other plans for the day, except to draw up a few sheets and I can do that there."

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