Wake up call

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The next day was a rough one. I still wasn't feeling 100%, and I had yet to call my doctor, so I didn’t know what was going on. I was worried but I was pushing it away until we got home and I could deal with it. The lockdown wasn't too bad, actually pretty tame compared to the ones before. It could be disappointing to have a light investigation, but sometimes, like this one, it was welcome.


    “This is weird.” I said, playing with Zak’s hand that was hanging over my shoulder.

    “Hm?” He said, moving it to mess with my hair.

    “This.” I gestured to us.

    “Well this isn't new.”

    “This no. Us yes.” I shifted over to straddle his lap and face him. I started fucking with his hair and he slapped my hands away.


    “I’m bored.”

    “You don't have to be…” he said, touching his fingertips to my waist.

    “Not right now. I wanna do something.”

    “You could do me.” He pulled me to him and pushed a kiss onto my neck.

    “Zak, c’mooonnnn.” I threw my head back and whined, grabbing his hand and tugging at it to get him off of the couch.

    “Where are we going? You’re pretty antsy."

    “I need to decompress. Go to the canyon with me.”

I dragged him to the door and pulled him out, kissing him as I stepped backwards through it. I was laughing and goofing off until Zak grabbed my arm and stopped me from going any further.

I looked to him, and saw his gaze fixed, unmoving. I followed it.

“Shit.” I said, finally seeing what he was looking at.

There Danny was. Watching us. Seeing us kiss.


I ran out the gate to try to catch him as he started to get back in his car, face red as ever.

“Danny wait, please, please wait.” I pleaded, grabbing his arm as he went to start the car.

“I don't know what I'm waiting for Allison, everything is clear. Everything is so clear now.”

“No you don't understand, please listen to me.” He huffed and got out of the car, shaking my hand off of his arm.

“I came over to bring you some of the stuff you left, you have no idea how much it took for me to do that. And what do I see when I get here? You and him, together, kissing.”

“It’s not like that it’s--”

“How long? How long after I was out was he in? Or did you even wait that long?” I was starting to get angry.

“You know goddamn well that I would never cheat on you. Everything I said was true. Now it’s-- it’s more complicated, but I swear to you this was never the intention. I never wanted to hurt you.”

“Allison, just save it.” He opened his back door and slammed a box down onto the ground. “Here’s your shit. Have a great time with commander douchebag. Fuck you, have a nice life.” He went to turn, and Zak came walking up on him.

“No! Don’t!” I grabbed his arm as it looked like he was going to start swinging. This was not something all of us were going to go down for. He pulled it down and fumed, grabbing me around the waist and holding me to him.

“Oh? So what, you're going to take my girl and then punch me?” Danny spat the words at Zak. His gaze turned to me. “Real fucking classy choice you made, Alli.”

“Classier than someone who's going to verbally attack her after she got seriously injured.” Zak quipped. Danny stuck his tongue in his cheek and nodded.

“And who let that happen?”

“Shut your goddamn mouth.” Zak pushed forward and I pushed his chest back.

“Will you both stop! Danny, nothing was going on when we broke up, Okay? It all happened after.”

“Don't act like I haven't watched you two lay all over each other or sleep in each other's beds the entire time we were together

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“Don't act like I haven't watched you two lay all over each other or sleep in each other's beds the entire time we were together. Don’t act like you two never had anything. Don't pretend I haven't seen the way he's looked at you.”

“Danny, please…”

“Whatever. Just. Here's your stuff Allison. Take it, and don't contact me. I can’t believe this shit.”

“Please don't tell anyone, we can get in a lot of trouble. Nobody knows.”

“We'll just see then, won't we? Because, I don't know if you can tell, but I’m pretty pissed off.” he ducked into his car and started it, leaving me there holding onto Zak, his arm around me tightly. “Bye Alli.”

He drove away, and there we were, stood in the middle of the street holding onto each other, him fuming and me upset, a box of my stuff strewn about.

Zak’s POV

I picked it up Alli’s box and I filed into the house with her behind me. She closed the door, and I turned to talk to her only to see she was still standing there, facing the door.

“Babe.” I called after her, the first time I'd used that with her. Her shoulders jumped and I figured she was upset.

I walked over to her and slid my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder.

“It's okay, Alli. Everything's going to be okay.”

She didn't respond, instead just placing her arms over mine and leaning her head toward me. I heard her mumble something but didn't hear it.

“What was that?”

“Are we making a mistake?” She barely whispered. I pulled my arms off her and turned her around to look at me. I sighed.

“I don't know.”

“Not really the answer I was looking for.” she looked down and I lightly chucked her chin to look back at me.

“I know. But I'm not going to lie to you. I told you it would be hard and this is just the beginning. If you don't want to do this, we can stop. Right here right now, everything back the way it was. You can stay here, we'll stop doing this and --”

“Shhh…” she hushed me and pushed her lips to mine. She pulled back and looked into my eyes.

“I'm not giving up that easy. It’s going to take more than a few vengeful exes to best me. I just… needed a wake up call I guess. I don't think he’ll say anything, he wouldn't want to hurt me. I want this, okay? I want you.” She kissed me again, this time much more deeply. I smiled and picked her up, pushing her against the door.

“Only if we go to the canyon after.” she laughed and kissed me again, i moved to her neck. “And you don't fuck me against the front door.”

“You've got it.”

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