Got your back

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I woke up to Zak asleep, arms around my waist. I could've laid there with him for the rest of the day, but decided to check my clock for work. 9:50am

Shit shit shit.

"Zak get up! Get up!"

He jumped up and hit his head on the headboard.

"Fuck! Allison what?"

"You slept here! You need to go back to your room before somebody knocks on either of our doors." I laughed and pushed him off the bed.

"You suck." He said, clambering up and ripping the sheets off of me.

"If last night was any indication, I sure do." I winked and he rolled his eyes and smirked.

I stood up and started getting my clothes together. Not only had he stayed over, but we were going to be late if we didn't get ready to go.

I turned to put a bra on, when Zak came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing behind my ear.

"It was a good night."

"It was." I turned my head to peck his lips, then continued getting dressed. He groaned and pouted, pulling on the hem of my shirt.

"Come on, we've gotta go." I said, shrugging away.

"Can't we be a little late?" He reached his hand out to grab mine, pulling me back to face him.

"Oh stop, you had me all night. You can wait, you're not a teenager for Christs sakes." I left a final kiss on his lips and moved away, grabbing pants. He huffed and walked away, picking up his clothes.

He hurried up and pulled his sweatpants and shirt back on.

"I'll see you soon." I waved as he rushed out the door.

The night before was... definitely something else. Not only did I get the biggest relief I could think of, Zak and I didn't really sleep. The lockdown was going to be rough, but I was going to look damn good for the cameras.

We had to meet up with the others for planning and to hang out before we started filming. Typically we'd find something to do around the town and that was a good time. Aside from actually investigating, those were the best hours of work. Goofing off with those guys was a blessing I was lucky to have.

I had to hurry up and get ready, so I threw my hair up in a ponytail. I'd have time later to fix it before lockdown, so I wasn't worried. I tossed on some mascara and eyeliner and got ready to roll. My skin looked fucking fantastic.

I grabbed my room key and purse and bounced out.

"Oh!" I yelled, running into someone's chest and getting bounced back. I looked up as Aaron grabbed my arm and caught me from hitting my door.

"Sorry Als. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine! You just scared me." I straightened out and smiled.

"You seem like you're in a much better mood today. I hated seeing you like that yesterday." I blushed.

"Thanks Aar. A lot was going on, but everything's okay for now."

"I'm glad to hear it. You ready to head out?"

"Absolutely." He linked arms with me and we walked to knock on Zak's door. Before he opened, Aaron looked at me.

"Look, I know you've got him, but you've got me too. And any of the others, we've all got your back Allison." I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you. Really." I leaned my head on his arm. He smiled and stood as we waited for Zak to answer his door. God, I was lucky to have those guys. Even Dakota, who was just a kid compared to all of us, could be helpful. He sometimes reminded me of when Zak and I were younger. Much younger of course, he started working with us younger than I had started working in DC, before Zak, Nick, and Aaron had done the documentary.

I sighed. I missed Nick sometimes. We didn't talk about him--when things go wrong and friends part, it's rough on everyone. But I knew it was the roughest, most upsetting, and angering to Zak.

Zak answered, throwing his glasses on. He looked from me, to Aaron, to our linked arms and gave us a weird look.

"Join us, we can skip, pretty boy!" I held my arm out. He shook his head and pushed past us. Aaron and I unlinked and laughed, following Zak down to the lobby where we'd meet the others.

I fired off a text to Lily:

Guess what? I'm not pregnant! Zak stayed over last night, lockdown today/tonight. I'll call you as soon as I get a free moment, okay? -Alli

Then made a note to call my doctor.

If I wasn't pregnant, what in the hell was going on in my body?


The day had passed as it most often does-- all of us fucking around in the city. We were on Phoenix this round, investigating the Hotel San Carlos. A place that was both exciting and a bit scary. I know to Zak and Aaron it harkened back to their roots as investigators-- a small desert hotel. We'd visited a few, been back to the Washoe club, the Goldfield, then the Copper Queen... We'd had our share. After the experience we'd had filming the last episode, it was sure to be much calmer, but this place had its own spirits about it.

I'd, of course, come around since whatever had followed us home had gone and left us alone. But I was always nervous to start a new investigation, even after many years of doing this type of work.

I had my headphones in as we made the drive to location, finally getting ready to start. I'd been into loud punk music lately, and that wasn't much of the other guys' thing, so I kept it to myself. It got me hype and ready to go, woke me up and pulled me out of my head.

"Alli." Zak turned around from the passenger seat and grabbed my leg. I jumped, not ready for it.

"Yeah?" I pulled one of the earbuds out.

"If you need anything while we're here make sure to let one of us know."


"Last time was too much, for all of us and especially you, I don't want anything like that happening again."

"Okay." I repeated and nodded. I went to grab his hand, but he moved away. Probably for the best.

I felt like a fucking child and it wasn't great. I understood the worry-- but I wasn't the only one affected, he was too. He was a strong man, but not as strong as he tried or pretended to be. I'd seen him many times, curled up with his head on my lap, exhausted and scared.

When we got there, I hopped out and got ready to go, turning off my cellphone after a quick snap post of all of us.

The other guys hurried out and started to unload and set up, leaving Zak and I at the van. I was leaned over setting up our mics and small equipment when his hand froze my arm.

"Hm?" I mused, standing up to face him.

"I wasn't kidding. Please be careful."

"I will. Stop worrying." I went to shrug him off and go back to what I was doing but he tugged on my arm.

"What?" I said, a little more irritated now.

"Stop moping." he planted a kiss, surprising me. I broke into a smile and grabbed his shirt at his waist.

"One last one for luck, we both need it."

I gave him one back, then slapped his ass as he tried to join the others. He grabbed it and shot me a look, earning a wink from me.

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