Back to Reality.

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"Sorry lovebird sickos, time to go back to work!" Bacon walked in the house where Zak and I were sat together waiting. Our mini staycation was lovely, and in some ways I wish it had lasted, but we were both so excited to go back to what we loved doing, him especially. Couldn't keep that man away from demons for too long.

"Let me see that rock lovely lady." I blushed and rolled my eyes at Bacon as he held out his hand for me to put mine in.

"Damn. How much did you drop on that?" Bacon looked up to my fiance after checking out my ring.

"Doesn't matter. Hush." Zak walked past both Bacon and I, kissing me on the cheek as he went outside.

"Don't know how you deal with him 24/7, I barely can."

"Well the sex helps." I joked. Bacon laughed and blew out some air.

"Damn Als." He held up his hands and walked away. I followed, laughing, locking the house behind me and hopping into the RV with the others.

I was excited for the investigation; as wonderful as our little staycation had been, I was ready to get back to work. I was at peace with myself for the first time in weeks, and I was riding on that feeling.


The town we were investigating in was beautiful. Quiet, except for the occasional passerby. Mostly abandoned, but that made it all the more beautiful to me. There were reports of possession here, at someone's personal residence, and we had been called to help or at the very least get some information for the family. Due to the sensitive nature of these kind of things, we had to be a little more cautious. We didn't know what kind of energy lived here, who of us it would feed off of, what it would do. We didn't know how our investigating would shake out on the family. We met then quickly, just quick enough to get a rundown on film. We were set to return the next day for more conversation, but it was clear they were uneasy with us, which I could understand. Even though Zak especially was very sweet in these kinds of investigations, I could imagine a group like ours with our masses of equipment and affinity for black clothing were a little intimidating at first meeting.

The morning of the investigation was a slow one, all of us staying in bed for a while. I liked to sleep in before the overnight, it helped a little bit. Zak didn't used to, but he was easy to convince to stay in bed. Very easy.

"What are you doing?" I sang as I brushed my wet hair, fresh out of the shower. He towel dried his own and was sat on the tub ledge, watching me.

"Waiting for the robe to drop."

"Oh really now?"

"Well, more so hoping

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"Well, more so hoping."

"You're an idiot." I rolled my eyes and laughed at him as I turned back to the mirror. I took a deep breath. This investigation was going to be taxing. Many had been as of late, but this one... I was actually nervous. The stuff that was happening to this family was absolutely atrocious; the father was lashing out in unpredictable ways, but the craziest thing to them was that he called all of them names that weren't their own. Almost as if someone else was speaking through him. They had things moving around in the night, footsteps and heavy breathing followed them everywhere they went.The little girl they had was barely sleeping, she was so scared. They needed help, and badly. I was more than happy, of course, to lend our work to help them, whatever we could do, but sometimes the job still scared me. It scared the guys too. Possession cases were always the scariest, especially in private homes. We had no idea what to expect.

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