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"Oh sorry, I guess I caught you two at a bad time! I was just about to let Zak know I was going."

"You're leaving?" Zak asked, still a little out of breath from locking lips with the devil.

"Yeah, we're finished working, so I was going to go. Don't worry, I'll slip out and you two can do whatever it is you want." I winked, still talking with my fakest smile. Zak looked confused at first, but his expression grew into annoyance as he started to realize what I was doing.

"Alli, wait." He said, though he still hadn't let go of Kelley. Maybe I would have considered it if he had looked even a little bit sorry for what he'd just done right in front of me.

"No it's fine!" I walked next to the gorgeous couple and grabbed my car keys. "I'll see you tomorrow, or not, whatever!" I narrowed my eyes, letting I kept my sickly sweet voice, revelling in how fucking annoyed Zak looked with me. Good. Because that's how I felt too. I walked past Zak as he stayed silent, Kelley still all over him. I heard her voice ring out as I walked to my car.

"Thats right baby, let her go! She's got her own life to attend to, as do we..." I rolled my eyes at her and got in my car as I heard the front door slam shut.

I was fucking livid with him. If he wanted her in the house, if he was going to kiss her, then fine. I could go. Our relationship wasn't public, so was it even anything? Did it even matter? It wasn't like anybody besides our friends was going to know, and even then would it even be surprising to them?

Apparently fucking not. The only person he had to explain himself to was me. Because I had trusted him, I had put myself and my feelings on the line thinking that maybe this time, just this once, would be different with him. But I was wrong and I got it thrown back into my face.

My little convertible yelled as it started.The vegas night was warm enough for me to go top down, and I did, playing my obnoxious music pretty loudly as I drove out of Zak's driveway.

I didn't know where I was going. I didn't have anywhere to go. I thought about crashing at Aaron's, or maybe Billy's, but then I'd have to explain myself and I didn't feel like making this a crew problem when it was a problem between Zak and I. There was no reason to make them pick sides because of it, I'd handle it, just at a later date and time. Lilyanne was out of town, so that wasn't an option either.

So I settled on a hotel on the strip. Because at least that way, I could hang out, have fun, and try to keep my mind off of everything.

My phone rang over bluetooth and I looked to the screen to see who was calling me.

Zak Bagans is calling...

I should've known. No, he could sit and simmer in it for a while. No doubt he was having a good time with her, I didn't need him to pander down to me. I sent him to voicemail turned my music back on, switching my phone to silent.





I arrived at a pretty snazzy hotel and checked in. I wasn't going to my room quite yet, I figured i'd check out a club nearby. I might as well have a good time, and I hadn't been dancing in quite a while. I checked the time-- after I cleared away the several missed calls and texts from my delinquent beau.


Time to party down.

I sat at the bar for a little while, people watching. There was a couple that was obviously new, and doomed. The girl was excitedly talking to the guy about something she must have found incredibly interesting, but his eyes were anywhere but on her. I felt sorry for her-- it sucked to have the one you love pick someone else over you when you obviously feel so strongly about them. I looked to another couple, much older than the first, probably in their late 50's. They seemed as if they'd been together for a long time-- completely comfortable with each other, being their true selves out there as they danced, smiling and laughing, happy to be in each other's arms. I smiled at them without even meaning to. That's something I had always wanted; someone to care for me like I care for them, completely in sync, completely for each other.

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