Chapter 12

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A week later

Zak and I had been spending a crazy amount of time together. Of course, we probably would have been already, but not exactly in the way we were spending time together. There wasn't a night in the last week where we'd gone to sleep without fucking. And I'll tell you what-- I was in a good ass mood.

However. We hadn't seen any of the guys since Aaron had come over, and I was a little bit nervous for being around all of them for a couple of days. I couldn't spend the night in Zak's room without raising suspicion, and it was going to be a long few nights after the week we'd had. It was just easier to keep whatever it was a secret for now.

The hotel was nice, and the drive wasn't too bad either. I slept most of the way, which meant little interaction with all of the boys.

I dropped my stuff off in my room and sauntered over to Zak's, barely knocking on the door before he pulled me inside and slammed it shut.

"Hasty, are we?"

"Ever known me to be patient?"


"There's your answer." He pulled me to him and locked his lips with mine. I pulled back and planted one on him, smiling.

"It's probably better if we don't. Aaron's room is right next to yours." he groaned and let me go, turning around to organize some of our work.

"It's unfortunate that one of the hottest things is also the one most likely to give us away."

"Mhmmm." I laid down on my stomach with my head at the bottom of the bed, watching him get himself together.

"Ready for this one?" I asked, opening up my laptop.

"Of course, this is what I like to be doing. Are you?"

"I'm excited to get back to it, if not a little nervous."

"As always."

"As always." I echoed. I started going through my emails, most of them junk, a few of them important that I filed away for later.

He sat down next to me and started going through his phone. Come to think of it, his phone had been going off a lot since I'd been in here.

"Somebody is really trying to get a hold of you, huh?"

He didn't answer me, instead focusing on his screen.

"Good chat, then." Still no answer.

"Who are you talking to anyway?"

"Nobody." He was typing pretty furiously, not looking up to speak to me.

"Oh come onnnn, professional curiousity. It's rude not to look at me when you talk."I teased, leaning over his shoulder. He locked his phone and put it in is front pocket when I got close. I made a pouty face.

"It's no one, Allison." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh?" I reached for his pocket, trying to joke around, but he wasn't having it. He grabbed my hand and raised his voice, freezing me.

"Kelley, okay? It's Kelley." That made my mood drop immediately. I climbed off of him and the bed and straightened myself out.

 I climbed off of him and the bed and straightened myself out

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"Okay so I'm going to go."

"Allison, don't be like that." He got up to try and stop me, but I turned and rushed away, trying not to let him see my eyes water up.

"I'm tired anyway. Bye."

I rushed out into the hallway, speed walking to my room. Unfortunately for me, the other guys were all standing in the hallway, their attention drawn to the sound of Zak's door slamming closed. I tried to make something up and be as vague as possible, as I was clearly upset.

"He's being a dick right now, I need a break from all the ego." I played it off like he was just having a bad night, and I didn't want to deal with it. Aaron nodded and said nothing else, and I passed by them to get to my room and be alone.

I was boiling, even though I had no right to be. We hadn't ever talked about what was going on between us, and it wasn't fair for me to be this mad at him. But I was, because I had feelings for him going into this, and it wasn't like they were going to go away anytime soon, especially considering all that we'd been doing together. I guess I just didn't expect to have to deal with him and another woman anytime soon, and even if i did, it wouldn't be that particular woman.

I knew I shouldn't be mad at him; if this was a hurdle I wouldn't be able to get over, it was dumb for me to get into this in the first place. I resolved to just go to bed before I beat myself up with it too much.


I woke up early feeling awful. I was nauseated and all I wanted to do was throw up. I'd been sitting on the bathroom floor for at least an hour already, and wanted nothing more than to have someone there with me. Being sick and alone was miserable, but the last thing I wanted to do was wake Zak up for him to watch me throw up. Not only did I not want to talk to him right now, it sure wouldn't do wonders for his mood later. I debated getting Aaron, but that would mean I'd have to get dressed, and getting off of the floor wasn't an option.

I ended up throwing up for the better part of the morning. I would feel fine for a while, and then it would hit me out of nowhere again. By the time it reached nine, I was worrying.

Because I'd done some counting.

And I was late.

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