The Lockdown

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After a little bit of a drive, we finally arrived at the location. After we got out of the van and unpacked our equipment, Zak and I went in front of the place to roll the intro.

"Well here we are. Hillside Sanitorium, a place where TB patients came to get healed, and were quarantined until they eventually met their death." I started this time.

"With roughly 63,000 deaths total, this is considered one of the most haunted places in the country. We expect to find a lot here."

"It will only be the five of us, and we will be, of course recapping events as they happen so we can show you, the viewers, what we capture."

"Aaron, Billy, Jay, Allison. Are you ready to investigate the Hillside Sanatorium?" All four of us echoed our "yes!" and "hell yeah"s!

"Then let's get going and start our investigation. Allison, will you roll why we unload the van?"

"Sure Zak. Aaron, camera." Aaron handed over the camera and I filmed them getting out the equipment. Jay grabbed another camera, and we split up to film Zak and Aaron setting up all of our stationary equipment. This was going to be intense, and damn, I was ready.

It was finally dark and the guys and I were ready to start our investigation. We all armed ourselves with our digital recorders, night vision cameras, and we got ready to go. Zak and I stayed on camera a lot; we didn't normally carry them, unless the others got tired of it.

We got into the building, and Zak asked to be locked in. The owner got the padlock from Zak and locked us in. As she slid the key in her pocket, I walked to a spot that wasn't covered with cameras and tried to get myself pumped up. I had to put walls up ahead of time to protect myself; The guys did the same, but in their own ways. Mine was normally hopping up and down and talking out loud to myself. The guys tended to tease about this a lot, but it was fine, I understood the silliness that they saw.

We had done a couple basic walkthroughs for the first 2 hours, then decided to get down to the nitty gritty.

"We splitting up?" Billy asked.

"Yep. Four of us are going to go together into the morgue, and one of us is going into the hanging room."

"Ha-ha Aaron's got to go into the hanging room alone!" I teased him.

"Nuh-uh Allison. Any guesses at who Zak's staring at?" I looked at Zak and realized... this time he was staring at me. Damn.

"Ok, not a problem." I shook off my nerves and quickly walked off with my night vision camera and digital recorder. I could hear Aaron mocking me as a walked away.

"You do know that I can still hear you, right?" I yelled down the hall to the guys. They all laughed as I turned my camera on.

"Okay, this is Allison on the night vision camera. Right now I'm walking down a really long hallway, trying to get down to the hanging room. So let's go." I was a little bit nervous, but I continued my walk down to the room.

All of a sudden, I felt like I'd hit a wall. I was trying to move, but I couldn't, I was frozen in place. Suddenly, I felt coldness around my neck, almost like something was wrapped around my throat, squeezing me. I couldn't breathe, and the more that I tried to fight it, the harder it got.

I felt my knees drop out from under me and decided that I definitely needed help!

"Zak! Aaron!" I sunk down the wall, half dropping my camera on the floor. I couldn't stand anymore.

"Alli?" Zak's voice, I could hear it.

"Yeah...." I felt out of my own body... like I was floating.

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