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"Where are we going?" I asked for the fourth time since we'd gotten in the car. Zak took a different route than we were supposed to take to get home, and we'd been in the car for much much longer than we should have been. He refused to tell me where he was taking me, and instead put his finger to his lips and smiled at how annoyed I was getting.

"If you don't tell me I'm going to tuck and roll." I crossed my arms and gave him the stink eye which he mocked by giving me his own.

"No, you're not. Don't ruin the fun and enjoy the drive, babe." He leaned over and I resigned, pecking his lips.

"You could have at least told me we weren't going back home."

"It wouldn't be as fun, I wouldn't get to see you boil over there." My mouth left agape, I retorted--

"You're an ass."

"A good one, though?" he asked hopefully and I shook my head in response.

"Nope, a bad one. Frumpy and fatty. Not a good ass. Like, a D ass."

"Hey!" He looked scandalized and I kept going.

"Yeah! Babe, if ass was a college class, you'd fail it!" I had climbed up into my seat, cracking up at how annoyed he was at my jeering.

"I'll have you know that I never failed a college class." He said matter of factly, and I deescalated before it ventured into mean territory rather than me just fucking around.

"Of course I'm joking, love. You've got a fantastic ass." I kissed his cheek and sat back down proper. He didn't say anything back, just continued to bob along to whatever he had playing. I put my hand on top of his on the console and held it, slouching down in my seat to get more comfortable for however much longer the drive was.


"Come on babe, we're here." I opened my eyes and noticed the car had stopped.

"We're where?"

"Look." He pointed out the windshield and I saw one of my favorite sites, and a huge smile spread across my face.

"Red Rock. I love it here."

"I know. That's why I brought you here, dummy. I rented a cabin, we can stay for a few days before we have to travel again." I darted over the console, surprising him, and kissed him.

"I love you."

"I know." He said, and put the car back in drive, kicking up dust as he drove us to the rental. God the canyon was beautiful. I hadn't been in some time, and I regretted it.

When we got to the house, I was shocked at how nice it was. It was a little past the canyon, but it was quick to drive to, much quicker then getting there for home. A little home away from home, I thought. Like a night over in your own city. A stay-cation. Then I realized something.

"I don't have any clothes, how are we--" I turned around to see Zak standing there int he door frame, two duffle bags in hand. "How-- Lilyanne." We both said in unison. I still had some of my things at her house, so she must've packed a bag for me and given it to Zak without my knowledge. Sneaky fuckers.

"I don't want to stick around the house for too long, let's get in as much time as we can while there's still daylight outside." He said, gesturing through the doorway.

"Mhmmm. You don't have to tell me twice." I hummed, grabbing his hand as he brought us back to the car.


"I never asked, why do you like it here so much?" He put his arm around me as I leaned my head on his shoulder. We were sat on a picnic blanket, staring out at the rock formations around us. I shrugged.

"It's beautiful, and quiet, and peaceful. A good place to come when you need to ground yourself, you know? It's always been somewhere I've just connected with since I came here-- a break from the cities I've lived in all my life, and a break from all of the crazy shit we deal with. " There was a pause before he kissed my head.

"You're amazing, you know that?"

"Oh hush, don't start with the flattery. That's you and you know it."

"No," He shifted so he could look at me, "Alli, without you I don't know what kind of person I would have turned out to be. I've been through a lot, been to so many god awful places and I thank whatever kind of God there is that I've had you beside me through it. You've made me a better man, a more honest and caring man. You don't take my bullshit, you call me out when you need to, and you're stronger than anyone I've ever met. You really are amazing."

"Babe..." I crawled over to him and lightly brushed my lips against his. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You know that, don't you? You say all of these things about me but without you, I probably wouldn't still be here. Alive, I mean. I sure as shit wouldn't still be in Vegas, I'd probably still be somewhere I didn't want to be, miserable and looking for myself. I wouldn't be as in love as I am with you. You've done that for me. You've made me, Zak." He smiled at my confession, brushing my hair back behind my ear.

"I guess now is as good a time as any." He said, almost mumbling. I cocked my head in confusion. "Stand up." He stood first and extended a hand for me and pulled me up, taking both of my hands in his.

"Um... " He took a breath. "Allison, you've known me through a lot, you've known my stance on serious relationships, on settling down but you-- you've changed that. All of that. Our few weeks apart showed me how much I never want to be away from you. I was miserable, lonely, beating myself up. I couldn't go through that again. So just, bear with me, okay? I know I can be complicated and sometimes I can be a dick, but I promise that I love you. That I always will." He gulped, his voice was shaking and faltering as he spoke, worrying me. I nodded and focused intently on him.

That's when he dropped to his knee and my hands flew to my mouth.

Oh my god.

"Mary Allison, will you marry me?"

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