Easier Said Than Done.

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Zak's POV

I could hear Alli crying in her room across from mine, and it was breaking my heart. She'd been at this for the last few nights, thinking that I couldn't hear her. She'd get up in the morning and smile like nothing was wrong, but I knew. I hated seeing her this upset. Her last relationship had just ended, a terrible fucking entity tried to kill her, she had to move from her home... I couldn't blame her for feeling the way she did. And my own feelings getting in the way weren't helping either. I had been snapping at her when I wasn't intending to.

But this was the last straw. I couldn't stand hearing her this upset anymore. I got out of bed and threw a pair of sweatpants on to walk over and see her.

"Knock knock," I said, though I didn't open it as was our usual custom. It had started as a joke, but we ended up doing it nearly every time we needed to enter a closed door of eachother's. Her crying stopped suddenly, she knew I'd caught her.

"What?" She called through the door, sniffling and coughing a little bit.

"Can I come in?" I leaned against the doorframe as I waited for her to answer. It took a few seconds.

"Yeah." I opened her door and found her in a tank top and little shorts sitting against the bottom of the bed with her knees up to her chest. I sat down next to her, leaving the door open so we could have some light to see.

"If you want to talk, I'm here Allison. I hate seeing you this way, I want to help. I'm sorry for snapping at you, I've got a lot going on."

"It's okay. I'm just sad, that's all." She wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. "If I'm being honest, I don't miss him that much, and I know it's better that we're not together, but i miss having someone to come home to. It fucking sucks."

"I'm always here. I will always be here."

"Even though I'm ugly and crying my heart out so loud you can't sleep. Sorry about that." I shook my head and looked at her, smirking.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, even if you're a little bit snotty right now." I laughed and she wiped her nose, chuckling and then punching my shoulder lightly.

"Well thanks." She leaned her head on my shoulder. "Will you stay?" She bit on the side of her thumb, as was her custom when she was nervous or thinking hard. It was cute, I don't think she noticed quite how much she did it.

"All you had to do was ask. Of course I will." I felt a twinge in my stomach. This probably wasn't the best for me and my emotions, but if it would help her, there was no way in hell i'd say no. I wouldn't do that to her.

I stood up and put my hand out for her to grab and pulled her up. She walked over to one side of the bed and I the other, so that we could actually sleep. We'd finished the episode and sent it in, so we didn't have to worry about that. We had a little break before the next lockdown, so we could stay in Vegas for a while, but we still had to spend the next day looking for new locations.

She faced away from me, but reached out to grab my hand.

"Is this okay?" I didn't answer and took her hand. It was killing me, but I'd do whatever she needed me to if it would help her feel better.

This is wrong you know, you shouldn't be doing this when she's this way. You can't do this when you feel the way you feel.

I shook my head to stop thinking. I didn't need it right now.

"You okay?" She whispered to me, so quietly I could barely hear her.

"Yeah. I'll see you in the morning, Alli."

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