Nothing but trouble.

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Back home, everything felt a little more normal. I was down and probably would be for a while longer, but I was in better spirits (good pun, eh?). We were setting up for a big round of lockdowns that we'd leave for in the coming week. It was a lot of paperwork and a lot of shifting around due to all the trouble I'd caused recently, which I got a pretty good scolding for from the channel. Zak backed them off of me, thank goodness, because that was one thing I didn't want to have to deal with.

"Take a break from the papers." he whispered, leaning over the back of my chair and leaving two quick pecks on my neck and cheek.

"I can't, you should be helping me instead of trying to get me into bed."

"Would I be me if I wasn't annoying you? It's easy to get me to stop." He growled into my ear, causing goosebumps to show up on my arms. I tried to shake him off, despite how much I didn't want to.

"Jesus, Zak." I laughed, incredulously. He knew how behind we were.

"Don't pretend you don't want to."

"We're swamped. Come on, once we're done we can do whatever you want." I swung his seat toward him with my foot. He pulled away from me and sat, reluctantly and did his version of a pouting face. "Don't whine. You'll have me, just not now." I shook my head and went back to what I was doing.

"You guys are gross." Aaron said from the other side of the room. I looked at him and laughed. "Don't laugh, Allison! I don't want to hear that! Nasty." He shook his head and laughed too. He didn't care to hear it but it gave him infinite material to make fun of us later, so I doubt he minded that much.

"You're just jealous because you're not getting any." Zak said to Aaron, clamping his hand down on my thigh.

"Don't be shitty." Both me and Aaron said.

"See? She's on my side dude." Aaron cockily remarked to Zak, smirking.

"Well she fucks me so..." His hand slid further up my thigh and I cleared my throat.

"Oh my god y'all, please can we just work and get this over with?" I nearly yelled, my face burning hot at how almost show off-y he was being.

"So you can get some ass as soon as we're done?" Aaron posed.

"Hey! I was trying to help you out. Don't turn on me like that G." I pointed a finger at him.

"Whatever," he sang, getting out of the chair he was in, "I'm going to get coffee for Alli and I, I'll be back in like 10 minutes." He walked to the door, turning back toward us before he exited.

"If I come back and see you two all up on each other I'm going to gouge out my eyes and leave them on your floor."

"Nice visual, thank you." I said, shaking my head.

"Anytime. I'll be back." He left the room and nearly as soon as Zak heard the front door shut he was right back to pestering, his hands roaming my thighs.

"We only have ten minutes." I sang, still scribbling away on the few files I had left in my pile. Zak's remained untouched.

"Allison, I can make you come twice in ten minutes." He teased,

"Is that a bet?" I asked, suddenly intrigued and, i had to admit, pretty hot and bothered.

"It is now." He said, scooping me from my chair and hurrying me to our room.

That's the only time I'd been more than happy to lose a bet.


The rest of the work that day went by slowly. Most of it was spent goofing off, as per the usual, but we got everything done for the next few lockdowns that we had lined up. I was actually getting pre-lockdown jitters for the first time in a very long time. Missing a few had messed me all up.

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