Three Words

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It was the day of my doctors appointment. I’d finally gotten in, and the longer I’d waited the more anxious I’d been getting.

Let me know how it goes, Alli. -Z

I will. I’ll see you soon. -A

I winced as I bit down on a particularly raw part of my thumb and clasped my hands together. Not knowing made it more and more difficult.

“Mary Gray?”

I looked and stood, following the nurse back. It wasn't long before the doctor himself came in.

“What brings you in today, Mary?”

I crossed my legs and started explaining.

“I’ve completely skipped a month, and I’ve been getting sick a lot recently. I thought I might be pregnant, but all of the tests I took were negative. So I guess I’m just worried about what might be wrong with me?”

“Well, there's a few things that could be. We’re gonna run a pregnancy test here, just to double check, and if that returns negative we’ll take a look, and we’ll see what we can find out, okay?”


The pregnancy test the doctor performed came back negative, thank god. He asked about any possible stressers, and I explained, knowing it may sound ridiculous as it does to most, how I had gotten attacked recently both on the investigation and at home, then how Daniel and I had fought and I’d started a new relationship.

We decided that due to the amount of stress that I’d been through in the past few weeks, that I should take a few weeks off and not go on the next couple of investigations. Of course I wasn't happy about it, but if it would set my body straight, I would endure it. I would have to talk to the channel and let them know, though.

All clear...though I have to stay back for a few weeks. Not jazzed about it. -A

Damn, really? -Z

Yeah. He says I need to take a break from the stress and I should be back to normal.You won’t miss me that much anyway, you’ll have your ghosts. -A

Not true. -Z

What will I do without my sexy lady ghosthunter by my side?-Z

Oh hush. You’ll love the extra camera time.-A

Well that’s kind of rude.-Z

You wouldn't want me any other way. I’m on my way home, I’ll see you.

When I got home, I found Zak sitting on the couch, messing about on his phone. I plopped down next to him and kissed his cheek, turning the tv on and he put his arm around me absentmindedly, still tapping away. One of the things I liked about us-- we didn't always have to be talking to be close to one another. A promo for the new season was airing, and I figured I’d sit to catch it. Even though it sucked that I was going to miss a few investigations, I had to deal with it. The promo played, stating that the new one was just about to come on.

    “Damn, Alli.” His attention was fixed to us on the screen

    “Hm?” I asked, facing him with a confused expression.

    “I mean, look at you! You are fucking smoking.” He gestured, and I slapped his shoulder and giggled.

    “Now you know how I feel everytime I see you.”

    “Mmmm…” He cupped my cheek and kissed me, pushing my hair behind my ear. “Now how am I supposed to work for two weeks without getting to see you.”

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