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The next night Zak and I invited Bacon, Aaron, and Billy over to hang out. It was a normal get together, but also a kind of distraction for me. On the way to go pick up my car, Zak and I had talked about the alcohol problem, about how it had a grip on me at the moment, and we decided that the best thing to do was keep me distracted so I didn't think about it.

And goddamn was he a good distraction. We didn't leave the bedroom for the better part of the day, but I wasn't complaining. Of course, on top of that I was going to have to figure out some sort of counseling, but it was a good--great-- start.

"And then, out of nowhere, this banging chick comes up and starts talking to me, and dudes, I couldn't believe the cans on her." Bacon was telling a story that I had lost track of a bit ago, but we were all cracking up nonetheless. He was a character if I'd ever seen one.

Zak and I received some looks early on as I was cuddled up against him, his arm around me like nothing had ever happened. I was just glad to be back in this place with him. I was so scared that everything was going to be gone, that we were beyond repair, and thank god I was wrong. We both had to work on trust in our relationship, but if anyone could get through it, it was us.

"As funny as you are, I got to go make a phone call. I'll be right back." Zak kissed my cheek and exited the room, leaving me with a grand 'ol stupid smile on my face. All of the guys leaned in immediately like we were some kind of knitting circle full of gossip-y old women.

"He apologized for being a dick, then?" Aaron asked. I nodded.

"We figured everything out, I think we're going to be okay. Thank you. All of you." Zak had told me how Aaron and Bacon had both called him out and made him realize how crazy everything had gotten. What I would do without those guys? I didn't know.

"Of course. We hate to see either of you suffering like that, especially with how clearly you two are made for each other. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Zak isn't typically a sappy-love-long term-commitment kind of guy, we all know that, including you. But you've got a hold on him Als, and it's a good thing." I blushed at Aaron's comment. It was nice to hear.

"As much as I'd like to have you on the market for myself, I'm glad Zak has ya. Keeps him off my back." Bacon joked and winked at me from across the room. Billy nodded in agreement and explained to me how annoying Zak was while they were editing. Apparently he wouldn't shut up about me and Billy had to kick him out-- that was the last straw after he had to play therapist for us the entire lockdown.

"Sorry, dude."

"It's cool, just please... don't you two break up again. I can't handle the mental capacity it takes to calm down two grown-ass adults that want nothing more than to strangle each other." He sat back in his seat in mock-exhaustion, causing uproarious laughter to erupt from us three. Zak came back in off the phone.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, love. Just one of Bacon's sexcapades." I winked at the others, covering all of our asses. Bacon nodded and did finger-guns at both of us.


"Yknow... you're the prettiest woman I've ever seen." He played with my hand, putting his fingers between mine.

"You don't have to butter me up, we're definitely gonna fuck anyway." I laughed and kissed him on the cheek, stirring a laugh from him in response.

"Glad to hear it, but I'm serious. My little ghost lady."

"Ew, that makes me sound like a frail old dead woman." I scrunched my nose at the nickname.

"But you're my frail old dead woman." My mouth left agape, I turned away and crossed my arms, playing fake-mad.

"Oh stop." He leaned over and kissed my shoulder, craning over to get to my lips. I rolled my eyes and kissed him back. "I like joking much better than fighting. I missed you." He whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

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