Why are you looking at me like that?

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I sat outside while Zak and the bishop set in to cleanse the house. After my embarrassing breakdown in front of Zak this morning, I needed to separate myself a little. He was worried about me, which I hated. I appreciated it, of course, but I didn't like him to treat me like he used to-- I wasn't going back to that. I could feel it coming on, more strongly than I had felt it in a very long time, but I was determined to fight it off this time.

I lit a cigarette-- the first one I'd had in quite some time. I had just started on it when Zak walked out, sighing and planting down next to me.

"Cigarette, huh?"

"Yeah. Gross but it calms me down. I only have this one left, I don't plan on buying more so no worries."


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"Good. You done throwing things, you think?" I smiled and looked at him. He was smirking at me, trying to lighten up the situation. Thank god for him. When things were as sensitive as this situation, he was too.

"Sorry about that, I'll buy you some new ones."

"Don't worry about it, I'm not bothered by the fuckin glasses. Just giving you a hard time."

"You wouldn't be you if you didn't. How's it going in there?"

"Good, he's almost done. We should be good to go."

"Thank god. It'll be nice to rest before we just have to go out and deal with other shit again."

"I agree. Though I think we're going to postpone for a while." I quickly turned to him, confusion on my face.


"You need a break. Don't tell me that you don't, because I won't let you go otherwise."

"You could try to stop me."

"I could and I would. I'd call Liam in a second." I rolled my eyes and took another drag. "We'll just stay here for a few extra days, get our bearings back, and then we'll go as planned. I'm not letting anything get you again, not while you're still reeling from this."

"Alright, fine." There was no use in arguing more about it. I knew that he was just trying to look after me and this way the best way that he knew how. I put out my cigarette and hopped up, just as the bishop stepped out of the house.

"It's done. You should be alright now, Ms. Gray. If not, call again and I'll be back. It was a good call you two made to get me here, the energy in the home was demonic in nature."

"As we thought. Thank you, Bishop."

"You're very welcome." Zak shook his hand, as did I, and he walked out to his car. I followed Zak inside, cautiously looking around and listening for anything. I was met with a dead silence. So far so good.

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