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*A week later*

"I wish you didn't have to go." I stroked his hair back and closed my eyes as he kissed my forehead.

"I wish you could come with me. I'll be back soon though."

"Not soon enough."

"Oh come on." He pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me, rubbing my arm and resting his chin on my head. The couch wasn't exactly huge, so it was difficult to lay together, but neither of us minded being so close.

"I know, I know. What am I going to do in this house all alone for two whole weeks?"

"Well, Gracie is here, she'll keep you company."

"Thank goodness she's such a sweetheart."

"Much like you."

"Hush." I cuddled into his chest.

"I've got a half hour until the others get here to meet up, do you have anything you want to do?" He shifted and absentmindedly started tracing patterns on my back.

I sat up, propping myself with my elbow. A smirk snuck out and I winked.

"You know exactly what I want to do."

"Damn you are insatiable." He half smiled and shifted so I could straddle him. I took my shirt off and leaned down, his hands making their way up my stomach and to my chest as we locked lips.

I hummed against his mouth and pulled back, peeling his shirt off and sliding my hands down his abdomen.

"God, you are insanely fucking hot." I said with an edge to my voice.

"Feisty this morning."

"I'm not gonna get to do this for an entire two weeks, I'm antsy okay?"

"Trust me, I understand." He roughly pulled my head back down to kiss me, quickly parting my lips to let our tongues battle. I undid his belt and slid my hand into his pants, rubbing him through his boxers and feeling his body respond. His eyes closed and I kissed down his body, climbing off of him to pull his jeans off. He propped himself up on his forearms and watched as I slowly started stripping my pants off.

"You're killing me." He said, gruffly.

"I've gotta do something to make you miss me."

"Oh trust me baby, I'm gonna miss you regardless but this sure is making it harder to leave."

I leaned back over him, and his hand made its way to my breast, his mouth attached to my neck.

I jumped when I heard the door open and keys drop onto the floor. I quickly looked up and gasped, throwing my arms over my chest.

 I quickly looked up and gasped, throwing my arms over my chest

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"What's-" Zak froze as he turned to see what I saw.

All three of our friends standing there, staring at us.

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