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Zak and I stayed in the back if the RV and slept nearly the whole way home. He was doing better now, but we needed to catch up on the sleep we'd lost through the nightmares. Zak hadn't really touched me aside from holding me while while slept since he saw everything that thing made him do. It was heartbreaking, irritating, and kind of hurt my feelings, but I understood his hesitation. I wasn't going to hold that against him-- he had been going through hell.

"Als, Zak, we're here guys." Bacon stirred us from our sleep, Zak detaching himself from me and sitting up, wiping his face. I looked up to see our friend peering into the doorway, his face reflecting his concern. I gave a solemn nod. Everyone knew what was up, they'd seen it happen and later saw my marked up face, but they weren't saying anything for both of our benefits-- Zak couldn't handle it, and I didnt want to hear pity. None of us had talked about what we were going to do with the footage. The definition of "raw" for sure, but I couldn't stand the thought of people thinking that Zak was a bad person, or that he did any of that of his own volition. It was going to be a long discussion, and if we included it, would have to include a discretion warning.

Zak got up out of the bed and led the way out, carrying our bags. I followed him and hugged Bacon before I stepped out.

"If you need anything, just give me a call. I'll pick up and be here as soon as I can."

I thanked him and went on my way. We only had a few days at home before we were heading back out, and we were going to use them to edit and recover. God knew we needed them.

That day was a wash, Zak in bed and me straightening up the house. I couldn't be idle, and laying around was making me more stiff and sore than I already was. The bruises were showing signs of calming down, but were still pretty blue.

When night fell, I went up to our room and found Gracie curled up next to Zak. He was finally awake, playing around on his phone with one hand and petting her with the other.

"Good evening sleepy head." He smiled when he saw me standing in the door frame. " Are you feeling any better?"

"Much better. Care to join me?"

I returned his smile, walking over and climbing into the bed, trying not to disturb Gracie. She got up anyway and hopped off of the bed, curling up, allowing me and Zak to get closer.

I planted a gentle kiss on his lips and stroked his cheek.

"Rough few days, huh?"

"I'd say so."

"Hmm..." I hummed as I kissed him again. I pulled back but he reattached his lips to mine, lightly biting down on my bottom one. Unexpected, but I wasn't going to argue with the direction this was headed. I got up and straddled him, pushing my hair back and leaning down to keep kissing him. His tongue made its way into my mouth, and we picked up the rhythm we'd found so many times before. Our breathing got more hurried, us holding onto each other like if we let go we'd never touch again. Growling, he held me to him and turned us over, sliding his hand down my body and hitching my leg above his waist, rolling his hips into me. I softly moaned into his mouth.

"Come on baby." I posed, snaking my hand down his chest and to his crotch, finding my way inside his sweatpants and lightly gripping his hard on. He shifted at my touch and moaned, sliding his hand under my shirt and resting it on my breast, gently squeezing. I shifted my hips, desperately trying to get any kind of friction from his body and he chuckled quietly at my squirming.

"Impatient." He whispered raggedly, an edge to his voice.

"I need you now." I answered, kissing his neck. He nodded and detached himself from me, standing and removing his shirt and sweatpants, leaving him completely exposed. I took mine off as well, wanting to wait no longer. When he got back on the bed, his body overtook mine, his mouth attacking my chest, his breathing punctuated with quiet moans. I bit my lip at the dirty thoughts rushing through my head, how much I wanted him, how much I just wanted release.

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