
655 17 1

January, 2009

I took a deep breath as I walked into the bar.

You can do this, you need to meet people. You can't sit around the apartment alone anymore.

Crossing the threshold was a big change from the outside-- the air was warm, the sounds almost overwhelming, but everyone seemed to be having a good time. I doubted that many of them were locals, they all looked fairly tourist-y. Perhaps the strip wasn't the best place to try to find someone to talk to from around here.

Obviously I wasn't looking for lasting friendships in a shitty bar, of all places, but if it happened I'd be delighted. I moved to Vegas nearly a month ago, and I hadn't had a single interaction, save for small talk obviously, and I was rotting in my home. The move from DC had been hard enough, and without knowing anyone here it was all the more difficult.

I asked for a water and scanned around for a while before pulling out my cell phone.

Liam, this is embarrassing.-A

You're being dramatic sis. What's the problem? -L

I look like an idiot, alone in this bar, drinking water. This was a mistake. -A

I'm proud of you for getting out of the house outside of work.-L

I rolled my eyes at my older brother, acting like I was still a little kid. I went to draft a text back:

Yeah yeah yeah. This is just as, if not more, miserabl--

"Excuse me," I jumped when someone tapped on my shoulder. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I turned to find the source of the voice and saw one of the most attractive men I'd ever seen. Decent height, nice hair, great body from what I could tell. Something about him was familiar but I couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was?

Say something you idiot!

"It's okay! I was up in space." He smiled at me. Damn, his smile is nice too.

"Care if I sit?" He pointed to the stool adjacent to mine and I nodded as he sat. "I saw your shirt, and I was curious about it. DC Paranormal Society?"

"Oh! Yeah, I used to work with them before I moved here." I kicked myself int he back of my mind for wearing that shirt-- I hadn't realized its what I'd left the house in. Most people didn't want to have a conversation with someone in my chosen profession, they always seemed to assume that I was some kind of weirdo or... a witch or something? I don't know. I did know, however, that it was a sure fire way to look like a freak.

"What did you do with them, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I went on a few investigations, but I was mostly a photographer and writer for the journal we had. Paid pennies but I loved it."

"Why did you move, if you loved it so much?"

I sighed. "Heavy conversation for a first meeting."

"I'm a heavy conversation kind of guy. You can ask me anything you want. Deal?"

"Okay, fair." I shook his hand. "I needed a fresh start. I've lived there all my life, I wanted to experience something new." He paused for a second before shaking his head and challenging my answer.

"That's not it."

"Fine, fine. I was fired." I admitted.

"Oh?" He asked. I shook my head and took a drink.

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