PJ X Depressed!Reader | Loved

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M'kay let's start with this lassie.

First ever fanfiction for NaJ I've written...

This wasn't requested by someone. It came from me.

This is fluff

Not smut




   You sigh, your hood shadowing your face as you walk along the sidewalk, bag on back. (Y/n), the bullied girl who everyone hated. They didn't care about your pain. Your long sleeves covered the scars, bruises, and cuts. The bruises and scars were from the jocks, who bullied you at any chance. They didn't know about the cuts though. You used a razor daily. Distract yourself from the mental pain with physical pain.

   It was a short walk to your school. Only five minutes. Yet, you took your time. No reason to rush as there was an hour left until the bell rung. 

   You sighed, it had been ten minutes. Standing at the school gates, you drew your hood further to hide your emotionless (e/c) eyes. You gripped the straps of your bookbag and walked in. You hurried to your locker, hoping to avoid them. You got there and put your books in. Still a while until class started. You grabbed your sketch book and pencil, heading to the library. The only place you could have some peace and quiet. Goth was quite kind, and you saw him as a close brother. 

   When in there, you greeted Goth and sat at your usual table. It was next to the window. You continued a drawing you had started the other day.

 You continued a drawing you had started the other day

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(There's your drawing)

   Once finished, you set down the pencil and stared at the drawing. The atmosphere around you felt.. off...

    "Oh, hey! That's pretty good.."

   Your head shot up at the familiar voice. Of course, him. The one who mostly bullied you, who just happens to be the one you grew a crush on. Your eyes narrowed as a frown laced your face.

   PaperJam, or just PJ, sat down in the chair across from you, ignoring your rather cold gaze. He looked at you with a blank stare. He raised a bonebrow as a smirk appeared on his boney face. 

   "Take a picture. It'll last longer."

   You blush softly and look down from the, rather sexy to be honest, jock. You growled softly and mumbled, "F-fuck o-off..."

   He rolls his pin pricks, crossing his arms. "Don't tell me what to fucking do. I.. I have something to tell you actually.." He glanced away. You were oblivious to the soft blush on his cheekbones. Just then, the bell rang.

    You sighed and stood, gathering your stuff. "Tell me later." You smoothly said and walked out to your locker, putting your stuff away, and headed to your first period. P.E.

--- Timeskip to the end of the day ----

   You walked to your locker, head down. All day, you had been picked on as usual. Strangely enough, no one had beat you. No new bruises blossomed.

   More cuts.

   As you were getting your bag, you were slammed against the locker next to you. You hissed in pain as your head came in contact with the metal. You stared up at your attacker. 

   It was Undyne, of course. The fish smirked down at your small frame and punched you. "Thought we'd leave you alone today, punk?! Wrong!" She snarled down at you, punching your arm repeatedly. You showed no emotion, and gave no sound. You were used to this. 

   Oddly enough, however, you noticed PJ wasn't there, like he would be normally.

   You shook it off.

   Just as you were kicked in the abdomen. You fell to the floor, yelping from the sudden force. 

   Undyne smirked more and continued to kick at you as you curled into a ball. Once she got bored, she walked away simply. You looked up, tears forcing their way down your face. Wait, tears? You put a shaky hand against your cheek and felt the warm liquid run down, something sticky mixed it. Then it clicked.


   There was a cut under your eye, the tears mixing into it. It stung, but you stood, with struggle. You got your stuff and ran home. Getting there, you locked yourself in your room. What did it matter though? Your parents left you...

   You got your large sweater off and got the razor from your drawer. Just as you were about to pierce the skin on your wrist, you heard the doorbell ring. You hesitantly placed the razor down and put on a soft hoodie. You went to the front door and opened it.

   You gasped slightly, seeing a certain black boned skeleton. PJ was holding a bouquet of (f/c) roses. When he saw the state you were in, he seemed shocked, then angry. "Who did this to you?!"

  You blinked before looking down, mumbling. "U-undyne.."

   This seemed to anger him further. He growled, clenching his fists. "I told her to leave you alone!"

   You blinked, processing what he said. A soft blush slowly grew onto your face. "Y-you did?"

   He nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I did. A-anyways, what I was trying to tell you earlier in the library is-" he gulped, looking nervous. You noticed his bright blush, which made you blush a bit. "-Well, I love you (Y/n).."

   He seemed to be bracing himself for the response. You didn't know how to reply, to be honest. He seemed to be accepting your silence as rejection.

   He sighed, mumbling something about 'he understands' and 'we can just be friends' when you huffed and wrapped your arms around him in a tight embrace. You looked up at his face with a smile. You haven't smiled in years, so this startled PJ. 

   He seemed to get what this meant, and he grinned before putting a skeletal hand on your cheek. He pulled you into a passionate kiss, which you gladly returned. You both parted a minute later for air.

   "I love you too PJ..."

(Word count: 989)

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