(LEMON) Outer X Fem!Reader | Among Galaxies

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Not requested by anyone, again. I just wanted to do this. It's based on the Supernova comic from Rouge (video above is half of it). You're basically Killer in the comics.

It'll be a lemon.

Your outfit: https://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=225114731 (Imagine you have a hoodie that is your favourite colour with it)

Time to do this.

Also, I'll try to post a chapter every day for the rest of the summer. During the school year, I'll try to update every Saturday or Sunday. Maybe both! ^^ But don't worry about that yet. I still have about a week and a few days.

Enjoy! <3


    You were just sitting at your desk in history, waiting for it to start. You were flipping through your book when someone came up behind you. "Eyyyy boi!" He seemed friendly. You were a bit surprised, as no one really spoke to you. You looked up at this 'mystery skeleton'.

   "I'm new to this class so I asked 'bout this 'Mr NM' and the others said I should ask ya, since your his fave and all!" He said. You blinked then smirked a bit, replying with "Boy I sure feel sorry for you. Mr NM is no joke!" Your eyes went a bit dark, almost black. It was an unsettling sight. "He loves to feed off of his students' misery, especially the new ones! One little fuck up, and it's the END!" Your smirk stayed, thinking to yourself, 'And he runs away in 3.. 2... 1...'

   "Sheesh! What a Nightmare!" You were shocked at his casual response but then snickered. He exclaimed, "Am I right!?"

   "Really dude?" Your eyes went back to normal as you raised an eyebrow at him. He put a hand on his chest, puffing it out. "Hey, I'll have you know that I will be a big comedian one day! And my act will be called..." He looked down, his arms going to his sides, "I need a life."

   You burst out laughing at this, to which he replied playfully, "why you laughin'?"

   You calmed yourself and stuck out a hand for a handshake, "I guess you'd make an Ok comedian. Anyway, I'm (Y/n)!" He gladly shook your hand with enthusiasm. "Nice meetin' ya! Name's Outer!"

----Timeskip to about a month later----

   You and Outer had bonded quickly. You both were inseparable. And it was currently around 5:55 am when you awoke to your phone's ringtone. 

   You were about to grumble out a 'hello', you weren't exactly a morning person, when your best friend, and MAJOR crush, said in his loud, happy voice, "Yo (N/n)! Ready for another day at Underhoot!?"

   "Outer it's like 6 AM man.." You replied, sleepily. "Yo already at your door buddy!" You sigh. "Just... wow..."

    He hung up and you put your phone back on your bedside table. You got up, straightening your bunny onesie.

    You then went down to the front door. You opened it to reveal the one and only outta this world best friend, Outer. 

   "Morning.." You mumbled, looking up at him. He glanced at you and blushed softly, grinning. "Dude! Your name should be Killer!" The star-loving skele exclaimed. You raise an eyebrow, "And why is that?"

   "Cuz your cuteness is killin' me! Duh!" Your (e/c) eyes widened, a bright blush finding it's place on your cheeks. The ears on your onesie also went up.

   "Ugh.. You and your stupid jokes! Just get in and wait for me." You pull him inside with a smile. You turn around to get him some water from the fridge, and he squeals softly. "Buddy! You should be arrested!!" You chuckle softly, "I think the one looking at other people's butts is the one who should be arrested!"

   You give him a cup of water and tell him to stay downstairs. You go upstairs to your (f/c) room to change into some casual clothes. Of course, Outer didn't do that. Nuh he didn't. 

   The door to your room was left open just a crack, to which Outer peeked in through. His eyesockets widened as he saw you, the onesie half off. You were wrestling to get it past your thighs, and to Outer, it was h o t .

      He felt a sudden urge, and immediately knew what it was. He felt his face heat up as he watched your body become bare as you got the bunny outfit off. You were about to reach for your bra when Outer stepped in without you knowing and hugged you from behind. You yelped, blushing brightly.

   "O-Outer?!" You look up to him, quickly covering your chest. Thankfully your lower undergarments were covering your womanhood already, but they were in Outer's way. You were able to feel that he had a slight boner, and your breath hitched in your throat as you realised

   Your best friend wanted to fuck you.

   Now you weren't about to lie and say you didn't want to. Of course you did. He was just so... attractive. How could you not want to fuck him?

   He grabbed hold of your wrists and held them above your head with one hand, leaving the view of your chest to him. He smirked, placing a hand on your left breast.

   You gasp from the sudden feeling. It was... different. But it felt so good...

   You felt him pin you to your bed and you got flipped so you were facing him, your back to the soft covers of your large bed. 

   He immediately attacked your neck with kisses, searching for the soft spot. When he found it, you accidentally let out a soft moan, to which he shuddered at. He started licking it, and you kept moaning softly, feeling his bulge press against your nether regions. 

   He suddenly bit down a bit, which made you gasp and moan out breathily, "O-Outer!~" 

   You felt your undergarment being pulled off. Thank God. You felt a cold, thin object rub against your clit, and you moan again. He got his finger into you easily, as you were already so wet. You moaned a bit louder as he thrust the finger in and out of you.

   After some of this, just as you were nearing your edge, he pulled out the finger. You whined at this but he just smirked. 

   He stripped to nothing, and your face heated up immensely as you saw his erect member. You wiped some drool that was coming from your lips and shuddered as you felt him position himself closely to you. "Are you ready (Y/n)?" He asked, to which you nodded.

(At this point there is no return XP I'm scared I'm gonna use about 2000 words for this lemon)

   He thrusted his length into you, and you moaned loudly in pain. Yep, those fan fictions were right. The first time hurts at first. He waited for you to adjust, cupping your cheeks and kissing you. You blinked away a tear, kissing back. 

   You adjusted and thrusted upwards, which you both moaned at. He didn't break the kiss as he started thrusting softly. After a few minutes of this, you broke the kiss, moaning softly. "F-faster~ Please~" 

   He nodded, granting your wish. He was rewarded with you moaning slightly louder. He smirked, thrusting his member deeper into you, and he went harder. 

   After a bit, he deepened so that he hit your spot. You screamed out in pleasure. "O-OUTER! R-RIGHT THE-EREE!~" He groaned softly in the overwhelming pleasure, continuing to slam into it at a fast pace. Your moans continued to grow louder until you reached your peak, your walls tightening around his member and climaxing. 

   He thrusted even deeper, almost at your womb and climaxed then. You both panted heavily, looking into each other's eye[socket]s. 

   He pulled out and laid next to you. You hugged and cuddled him, he returned the affection. 

   You yawned, tired. He pulled the covers over you both and the two of you slept into a brilliant slumber. 

   Little did you two both know, your four bunnies heard it all. 

   "Today, my daughter, you become a woman..." Tough Bunny said with a tearful smile.


(Word count: 1350)

Yes, It's finally done! I feel like I might have a nosebleed if I reread that and imagine it X3

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