(LEMON) Ink x Reader - Lemonade

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  You balanced a tray on your hand, trying to get outside with your cats circling your feet. You shooed them off, opening the back door and slipping outside. You glared over at your friend, who was laughing at you. 

  As much as you loved him, Ink always found a way to infuriate you. You huffed as you made your way to the little picnic table and set down the tray. On it was two tall glasses of lemonade, and two ice cream sundaes, topped with sprinkles and chocolate syrup. You and your best friend were celebrating the first day of summer, the first day away from your students. Bless their hearts, but they were annoying.

  You sat down beside him, reaching for your ice cream immediately. You watched him as you remembered, once again, how you two met. 

  It was the beginning of the year, and you were the new P.E. teacher at Underhigh. You watched your first period students file in. Once it looked like all of them, you stood and yelled at them. "Go to the locker rooms and get dressed, dweebs! I'm your new teacher, and I'm not going easy on you!" They scampered off, and you smirked.

  You pushed your bangs out of your eyes as the door opened. You looked over, ready to yell at any late students, when you paused. It was a really cute teacher. He walked over to you, smiling. "So, I heard you're the new P.E. teacher. Nice to meet you, I'm the art teacher, Ink!" He held out a hand for you to shake. You peered at him curiously. "I'm (Y/n)..." You took his hand. You could already tell this would be interesting. 

  And it was. You fell in love with the art teacher, but you saw no signs of him returning the feelings. You scooped another spoonful of ice cream in your mouth, letting it melt on your tongue as the sun warmed you with it's heat. You closed your eyes, feeling the soft breeze flow by, blowing your hair back. It felt nice, like the ocean. I mean, you lived on a lake, so...

  You looked out at the glistening water, smiling softly. Ink was watching you carefully, sipping his lemonade. He marveled in your beauty, casting his eyes from your shining hair to your rosy cheeks to your sparkling eyes. You were an angel in his eyes. 

  You sat up suddenly, startling him from his daze. His knee jolted, hitting the table. Your lemonade tipped over and spilled on your shirt. You yelped, looking down at your white shirt, now soaked with the yellow substance. You felt yourself blush as your black lace bra showed slightly. Ink stood quickly, "Oh God, I'm so sorry!" 

  You made yourself calm yourself and reply casually, keeping your voice from shaking, "It's fine Ink. My nearest neighbor is ten miles away." You smile and stand, starting to pull your shirt up and off. Ink's face brightened, the colors of the rainbow appearing as he tried to not stare at your chest. You set your shirt on the table and grab a little towel you brought out. You go over to the little faucet thing and turn it on, running the cold water over the towel. You turned it off and squeezed excess water out of the towel so it was damp. 

  Running around your stomach and sides to get the stickiness off made Ink restless over there, but you had no idea. When done, you set the towel on the table next to your shirt and turned back to Ink. "Let's head in. We can clean this up later."

  He nodded quickly as you headed inside, him following stiffly. Sure, he's seen you without a shirt on, but you had a sports bra on that time. Now, you had on a black lace underwire. He couldn't control himself and wrapped his arms around you from behind. You look at him in surprise, your cheeks reddening. 

  "I-Ink..?" You questioned as he let his hands rest on your waist. He quickly placed a peck on the corner of your lips, and your face burst into flames. You looked so submissive in his eyes right now... He needed it. He picked you up and took you upstairs to your bedroom. Once inside, he closed the door and set you on the bed. You stared up at him. 

  He reached his hands around to your back and fumbled with the clip of your bra before undoing it. The restricting piece of cloth fell to your lap, and you quickly wrapped your arms around yourself, a cool draft of air raising goosebumps. He growled dominantly, grabbing your arms and pulling them away from your chest. He crawled onto you, pinning you down and straddling your lap. 

  You stared up at him, biting your lip nervously. He slipped his shirt off, and threw it somewhere in the room. You admired the tattoos covering his ribs and upper arms. You reached a hand up and rubbed one of his ribs, to which he moaned softly at. You rolled the two of you over, so you were on top with a smirk. You continued to rub his ribs, listening to his moans. Soon your hands traveled to the hem of his pants, and you undid the button and zipper on them. You slowly pulled them down.

  He watched you as you teased him, slowly growing more and more hard down there. You got the fabric past his shoes and threw it over to where his shirt was. You stood up and quickly wrestled your shorts off, then hooked your thumbs at the sides of your lacey panties. You looked up at him as you pulled the undergarments past your thighs. You got back on his lap, licking your lips seductively. You grinded on his still covered member.

  He let out a low groan, turning you on further. You pulled his boxers off, drooling as you looked at his erect member. He took his chance to flip you over. He positioned himself at your entrance, waiting for your approval. You mumbled out, breathless already, "Y-yes... Do it.."

  He nodded and pushed himself in. You cried out, arching your back. It slid in easily since you were already wet. You bucked your hips, making you both moan. He slid almost completely out, but then pushed himself back in quickly. He did this again, then went faster in his thrusting. All the while you were moaning loudly. He continued to thrust deeply, soon after while making you scream in pleasure when he hit a certain spot of yours.

  He continued to slam into that spot, panting. You screamed, coming to your climax. He, at the same time, shot out his seed. 

  He collapsed down on top of you, the both of you panting heavily. He smiled, kissing you sweetly. You gladly returned the kiss, intertwining your fingers with his messily. You yawned, pulling away. 

  He lay there with you as you drifted off to sleep. Just before you fell asleep, you heard him whisper,

  "I love you so much (Y/n)..."

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