PJ X Anorexic!Reader - Church Bells

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Anorexia: An eating disorder causing people to obsess about weight and what they eat.

as an almost-anorexic this is gonna be easy

oof i'm gonna make you a cheerleader

This isn't a song fic I just really like Carrie Underwood


  You sip the last of your orange juice and stand, setting your empty glass in the sink and stalking to your room. You slip onto your bed and pull on something to wear. You stuff your cheerleader outfit in your gym bag, along with anything else needed. 

  Jogging down the street to your school, which is only a block away, you look up at the sky. You were one of the slimmest girls in the school, but you still saw yourself as ugly and fat. You were part of the jock group, but you were nicer than the others. It was unfair because you had a crush on the leader, PJ. However, he was dating Bunnie, the bitchy slut of the school. 

  One minute of kissing burns 26 calories. No wonder she's so skinny.

  You sigh, going in and heading to homeroom/first period. You were lucky enough to have your first period be your homeroom too. History with Mr. Nightmare.

  You were almost there when you were pushed to the side. You hit the lockers but it didn't hurt. Nothing did. You looked at the culprit and saw a little rabbit swishing away... 

  You growled. "Hey!" You ran after her. She turned around, smirking. "What is it, bitch?"

"I could get on your level, but I don't like being on my knees as much as you do." You purred out, then turning around and walking into the classroom. Behind you, you heard laughter from everyone who witnessed it. Bunnie was sputtering, trying to come up with a comeback. You closed the door behind yourself and looked around. Mr. Nightmare acknowledged you, but you payed no mind. 

  Your eyes were on the skeleton sitting in the back of the room. He was the only other one in the room. 


  You felt your heart skip a beat, a blush slowly rising to your face. You calmly walk over to the seat beside him and sit down. You fish through your bookbag and got out your notebook. Your open to a fresh page and start writing something.

Once and for all

  You searched through your mind for the next line. That was your 19th line of your newest poem you were writing. All of your poems were sad, for that was what you felt most of the time.

  You felt someone looking over your shoulder and looked to your right. You saw PJ looking at your paper, reading what you've written so far. When done, he looked up to see you staring at him with wide eyes. He just smiled easily and gave you a thumbs up. You hastily look back down, your cheeks a bright red. 

  Time flew, and before you knew it, it was time to go home. Go home and starve... You thought to yourself glumly. You were walking through the halls when you heard a certain slut calling your name. You turn and look Bunnie in the face. "What." You were done with her antics. She started you calling names, and insulting you.

  You roll your eyes and interrupt her. "I'm not going to call you a slut. I'm calling you a penny, cause you're two faced, worthless, and in everyone's pants." Then you stalk off, ready to go home. She was, once again, left speechless and stammering. 

  You were halfway home when you heard someone, once again, calling your name. You sigh, ready to slap them when you turn, but when you did turn, you froze. You were enveloped in an embrace, by a familiar set of black bones. 

  Your face became a tomato when you realized it was PJ that was hugging you. He looked up at you with a serious look on his face. "(Y/n). Go out with me."

  You felt lightheaded. At first you wondered if it was because PJ finally found the nerve to ask someone real out, but then you felt a great pain in your stomach. Your face pales, an immediate difference from the red it was before. 

  "I..." You try to form words but it's difficult. You're really hungry. You haven't eaten all day, and you didn't yesterday. You felt a little lighter, but now you regret it. You collapse in PJ's arms, and his eyesockets widen. He seemed at a loss for what to do, when he suddenly picked you up bridal style and ran to your house, carrying you. You pass out when the two of you arrive at your door. No one's home...

  You wake up in your bed with a killer headache. Ugh, what happened? 

  It slowly comes back. Pj's question, your sudden nausea, passing out... How did you get in your room? You look over at the door, PJ coming in through the opening. He froze when he saw you sitting up, then panicked and rushed over to get you to lay down. Through all his stammering one thing stood out to you. 

  "I don't want to lose the girl I love damn it."

  Heat flushed to your cheeks as you lay back down. He was carrying a sandwich. It looked like your favorite type too... He sat down beside you, holding it out to you. "No.." You refuse quietly.

  He growled. "(Y/n), you need to eat something. It's not healthy to starve yourself. Now take it!" He shoved it into your hands. You take a tentative bite, worried about what might happen... 

  After two seconds, the sandwich wasn't even in your hands. You had wolfed it down quickly, thankful for something on your stomach after so long. You sigh gratefully. 

  PJ was grinning, thankful for this. He pecked your cheek and went to go get something when you grabbed his hand. He looked back at you as you entwined your fingers with him. "To answer your question, PJ, yes, I'll go out with you.." You look up at him with love in your eyes.

  His grin grew as he sat back down and pulled you into another hug. At the same time, he pulled you into a kiss. You gladly kissed back.

  After a minute, he pulled away. 

 "It doesn't matter what you look like, I'll always love you... You understand me, (Y/n)?"

  You completely ruined the moment by bursting into tears while laughing at the same time. "OH my God PJ! That was incredibly sappy and cheesy!" 

  He huffed, pulling you into another kiss to shut you up. You gladly complied. 



ok goodnight it's almost eleven jeez-



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