PJ x Albino!Reader (P2) - Prom

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Picture above done by me


   Prom night. It was the night you had been waiting for ever since PJ asked you to go with him. You smile, looking in the mirror. You had a cute short off-the-shoulder cherry red dress that went to your mid-thigh. On your feet were flats of the same color. 

   You giggle, remembering your aunt's ignorant interruptions that fateful day.

  Your prepare to tell them, no, your aunt isn't home, but instead of one of your aunt's coworkers, it's PJ.

  PJ nervously looks to the side, blushing. "Well, earlier, in the library, I wanted to tell you something, but you never let me. I decided to pay you a visit to tell you instead."

  "I love you (Y/n)." He quickly gets out before kissing you.

  "PJ, I love you too, I'm just not sure it's me that you want." You tell him, seeing the realization spread on his face. 

  "Because I truly love you, (Y/n)." He kissed you again, and this time you kissed back.

   Ever since then, you and PJ had gone on many dates. On the last one, he asked you to prom. So, here you were, viewing yourself in the mirror. Your hair was curled, cascading down your neck and back. You had on simple eyeliner and mascara, with some lip gloss, but that's all. 

   He pulled you closer to him by the shoulder, letting you rest your head on his. He had this little content smile on his face (err, skull?). He straightened suddenly, having something to ask you. You noticed and sat up too. He turned towards you, taking your hand. "(Y/n), I need to ask.. do you want to go to prom with me?"

   You grin widely, hugging him close. "Of course." You two sat there, cuddling on the couch in your living room. A movie was playing, but right now you two weren't really watching it. You were just enjoying the other's company.

   Everything had passed by so quickly since then. You had just barely found a dress too! You turn and head out of your room, going downstairs. Your aunt was sitting on the couch, reading a little paper. Hearing your footsteps approaching, she glanced up, and her eyes went wide when she saw you standing there. 

   She smiled. "Oh my goodness.. (Y/n)... You look.. gorgeous..." She mumbled, wiping at her eyes. Holy crap, what is it with guardians crying on prom night? You chuckle nervously, "Thanks.. auntie..." 

   A car horn honks from the driveway, and you stumble trying to turn and run quickly. "Gotta go, see ya later!" You wave as you get out the door. You walk over to PJ's car and get in the front passenger side, grinning. 

   "Hey PJ!" You glance over his outfit- typical black tux with a red dress-shirt under, topped with a white bow-tie- and meet his eyes. He was blushing, staring at you in wonder. "Woah..."

   You blush brightly. He blinked, grinning nervously. "You look amazing (Y/n)."

   "You do too PJ." You mumble, averting your eyes. He chuckled and shifted the car back into drive, backing out of the driveway and starting the drive to the school. You stare out the window.

  You only get through a few sentences when, in your peripheral vision, you saw someone sit beside you. You sigh, turning to tell them to fuck off, but you froze. 

  Sitting beside you was the jock leader, the one and only, notorious, PaperJam! Or also known as PJ.

  He wasn't looking at you. Instead, he was reading the book he had in his hands.

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