Fell!Goth X Musician!Reader - You're Mine, Not His

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The band members that you work with are some of my original characters.

Hope this is satisfactory for the reader/goth lover that requested this~


   "Oh my God, guys, we are not going there."

   "Oh come on, (Y/n)! You're such a buzzkill!"

   You roll your eyes, flicking Yui's forehead. The short black haired girl yelped, waving her arm at you. You step back, shifting your guitar case from one arm to the other. "We're not going there."

   Ashe looks up from his notebook, dark red eyes shining as he glances at you. "In a few weeks, we will be recording a collaboration song with that band, so now would be a good time to meet them and hear some of their music." 

   You groan, dramatically throwing your free arm up. "Seriously?!" Yui laughs softly, shamrock orbs meeting your (eye color) ones. Karma rolls her eyes, stepping forward. "We can leave Yui there if you want." "I like the sound of that." You grin. The girl being targeted stepped forward, crying out about how cruel you two were. 

   Crys 'tsk's, leaning against the wall closest to her. She ran her fingers through her dyed teal hair, magenta eyes trailing over the four others. "You're a bunch of children." She brings her bottle of saké to her lips, taking a sip. You still can't figure out how she doesn't get drunk off the Japanese alcoholic beverage.

   You set your guitar case down on the table in the middle of the room, sitting in the chair placed near it. You lean back, watching Yui and Karma get caught up in one of their arguments again. Ashe comes over to your side, grimacing. "Should we stop them?" You wave your head, the corners of your lips twitching upwards in amusement. "Nah, let 'em at each other for a few minutes."

   It really was a miracle that you and your childhood friends had been able to form a band together. You all were so... different. Yui was overdramatic and childish, Karma was playful and flirty, Crys was mature, Ashe was organized, and you were, well, you. You were the lead singer, guitarist, and leader of the band. Not that you really cared all that much.

    A 'ding' rang out, and Yui blinked, reaching into her pocket and pulling out her phone. She gasps, grinning brightly and bouncing on the heels of her feet. She squeals, looking up at Karma. "They just invited us to play at their concert tonight! We have to go!!" She turned to you, bottom lip pushed out into a pout. You huff, rolling your eyes. "Everyone, go get ready. We'll play a song, but that's all." You stand up, walking to the set of stairs at the other end of the room. You can hear Yui squealing and thanking you, rushing to her own room. Karma runs up to you, walking up the stairs beside you. After a second, the brunette speaks, "You sure this is a good idea?"

   "I'll never hear the end of it from Yui if we don't go." You branch off from her, heading into your room. You click the door shut behind you, going to sit on your bed. You grab your phone from the bedside table, turning it on to check missed calls and texts. You have one missed call from your long-distance crush. You had met him back in high school, and got along with him quite well. Then, he had moved out of the country to work as a librarian at a school. You smile, your cheeks heating up at the image of him. You call his number back, putting your phone on speaker and setting it to the side as you waited for him to pick up. After the third ring, he answers it.

   "Hey (Y/n)."

   Goth's voice reaching your ears makes your chest flutter and your face warm up. You smile, standing up to go find an outfit for that night. "Hey, Gothy. You called earlier?" "Oh yeah, I called to tell you I got off the plane. It's been a while since I was in (country name), hasn't it?" You gasp, having completely forgot he was coming to visit. You smile. "Well, the band'll be playing at a concert tonight as a side piece, so be prepared to be whisked away once you get here."

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